5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (2024)

There are many benefits of sustaining poultry. But is there a potential to earn money from your chickens? The answer is yes! So, how to make money with chickens?

If you want to earn money raising chickens, you need to learn a few things. Here are some of the guidelines so you won’t fail to make a profit.

This article will cover

  • Understanding the Basics
  • 5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens
  • How and Where to Sell Your Products
  • How to Start the Plan

Understanding the Basics

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (1)

While many people view chicken farming as a hobby, you can earn a significant amount and make money with chickens if you keep expenses low and production high.

It’s surprising to know that you can market anything from your chickens. Apart from the eggs, meat, or live chickens, you can also sell their manure as fertilizers. The revenue generated may justify the effort you invested.

It is not that difficult to know and understand what you’re doing. Backyard chickens are growing popular. Most remarkably, it’s suitable for you if you have a particular piece of property for chicken rearing.

The size of a flock depends on you and the financial commitment you put into it. For first-timers, proper caution is a must.

Some raise chickens for profit, pastime, or recreational activity. But whatever the reasons, examine first the financial implications before going into serious business.

Chickens may provide a yearly, monthly, weekly, or even daily source of revenue. Raising chickens for profit is simple to do but needs time, area, and some understanding of chickens.

Suppose you decide to enter the chicken business. In that case, you must first determine whether the enterprise will be small, mid-sized, or big poultry.

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (2)

Making money with chickens can be a very profitable business only if all aspects of the operation are well managed and done. That includes procuring chickens, coops, or free-range. More so, have the chickens fed, and vaccinated, and selling the final product.

Almost everything may be helpful and profitable out of your chickens—selling eggsand meat for consumption.

What’s more, you can also sell the plumes to businesses. Enterprises that produce cushions, ornaments, clothes, and accessories buy plumes.

Thus, chicken farming is lucrative. It’s because there will always be a business in demand for the products offered by your chickens.

More so, chicken coops are very simple to construct and manage. Compared to larger animals such as cows or goats, chickens need less roomand require less attention.

Chickens have lower dietary preferences. These fowls can consume everything, even table leftovers, veggies, and fruits. Constructing coops and homes is also cost-effective. Your hens don’t need a lot of room to wander through. As a result, you can keep more chickens in a smaller area than you can with other livestock.

Additionally, it would be best to keep in mind that healthy hens can produce a satisfying amount of eggs in a healthy environment. Egg production is even possible even without a rooster around. That’s why you need fertilized eggsintended to hatch another batch of your chickens.

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (3)

The good news now is that you already know some of the basics about making money with your chickens. Now, you have a more intense eagerness to make a profit from your backyard chickens. It’s time to figure out how to do it and make it happen.

Listed below are a few that are typical of the many ideas you could make. So, read the whole article to learn how you can earn the most money from your chickens. Here below are some of the ways you can generate income by breeding chickens.

1.Sell Fresh, Healthy Eggs

Selling eggs is the most conventional way to make money with your chickens. Eggs usually sell for somewhere between $3.50 to $5.00. Yet, the price you charge will rely on your costs. You’ll need to measure your feed expense first and then set your pricing.

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (4)


  • How Much Do Chickens Cost? – Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Chickens? – Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Care for Baby Chicks? – The Beginner’s Guide

2.Sell Fertile Eggs for Hatching

Along with your fresh eggs, you can also sell fertile eggs for hatching. These kinds of eggs are challenging to produce compared to fresh eggs. To make fertile eggs, you need to select a high-quality, popular chicken breed.

3.Sell Adorable Chicks

You may prefer to keep the lovely baby chicks. But you can also sell them to your fellow backyard flock enthusiasts. Chicks may cost depending on their breed. Breeds of higher quality and popularity can hold value over lower-quality breeds.

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (5)

4.Sell Pullets and Mature Chickens

You can sell adult chickens in the same way that you sell chicks. Although roosters can sometimes be in short supply, hens are in high demand most of the time.

Backyard flock beginners usually pick pullets or mature hens. They prefer them to chicks due to their ease of raising and maintenance. Yet again, the pricing of an adult chicken varies. The prices depend according to the breed’s quality and popularity.

5.Make Use of Feathers and Manures, and Sell Them

While many people imagine beautiful accessories, they do not picture chicken feathers. Chicken feathers appear in an array of stunning, distinctive colors, shapes, and patterns. Many artisans know this and search for feathers for decorations, ornaments, and accessories.

So, chicken manure is considered valuable, like black gold, to landscapers and gardeners. Bizarre, but the waste you gather under your chicken roosts and coops is precious! The high nitrogen concentration promotes plant growth and provides the ideal soil amendment.

How and Where to Sell Your Products

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (6)

Not everyone knows how to sell and where to sell. Apart from learning how to make money with chickens, you must also know how to start selling. These two pearls of wisdom are essential to apply your knowledge and make a profit.

Yet, everyone must be a responsible seller. You should consider the product’s freshness, pricing, and availability. Furthermore, also be cautious about your sanitation and packaging to avoid some issues. Remember, a satisfied customer keeps on coming back and will tell a friend. This strategy is word-of-mouth marketing.

Farmer’s Market and Flea Market

Farmer’s markets always welcome people selling their fresh produces. Sometimes, participation and registration are fee-based in these markets.

Another issue is that eggs and chickens are not usually distinctive at a farmer’s market. You have to be resourceful and creative to get attention to chicken handling. Unfortunately, special meals and competing with larger farms can be costly.

Flea markets provide a greater variety of goods, and their primary draw is inexpensive pricing. You can find less marketing of other chicken goods in flea markets. But in this market, there’s more marketing of live chickens.

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (7)


Some people want to sell but are not interested in setting up and maintaining a market booth. So, these individuals or groups may sell to restaurants or local shops.

The packaging of your goods is essential. You can also get official labels like USDA for cage-free or organic accreditation. But the brand can also have a significant effect on the amount retailers are prepared to pay for goods. But, if you live outside the US, you might want to consult your local agriculture department about obtaining official labels and accreditations for your products.

Online Marketplace or Groups

Establishing an online shop enables you to market your goods more effectively. Convey information in a straightforward method. It’s by telling a narrative about your products or by using videos and photographs.

Additionally, social media may assist in spreading the news about your products. And, of course, your postings should have specific details of your products.

Through your Friends and Relatives

You may sometimes find it embarrassing to ask a little favor from them, but it’s not. It’s not much to ask a simple help from family and friends. Asking them to refer you to people looking for poultry products or suppliers is a small favor.

This selling technique is only up to you. It is the easiest and most effective if your business spreads through word of mouth.

How to Start the Plan

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (8)

Are you interested in starting to make money with chickens? Many benefits exist for establishing a chicken business because it’s lucrative and requires little work. Plus, it yields profits more quickly.

Small poultry farms are acquiring popularity at a rapid pace at present. These farms are small-scale systems. When you decide to establish a chicken business, you will become both a farmer and a businessman.

Set A Business Plan

To begin, create a strict business strategy and stick to it. A thorough business plan is one of the most critical documents to develop as an element of your business.

The business strategy should include objectives and goals. Put into detail what you want to do and the path you want to choose to get where you want to be.

Choose the Right Chicken Breed

It’s imperative to pick the right breed of chicken if you want your business to thrive. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Productivity: Different breeds lay different amounts of eggs or produce varying levels of meat. If you choose one known for being highly productive, you’ll get more out of your resources and make more money.
  • Market demand: People have different preferences regarding their chickens, so that some breeds might be more popular than others. When you pick ones that fit what customers want, it will be easier to sell them at competitive prices and build up repeat customers.
  • Adaptability: Wherever they live can affect your hens’ health and happiness! Some breeds do better in certain climates or environments than others, so picking the ones that work best in those conditions could save time and money down the line.
  • Cost efficiency: Depending on which breed it is, some eat less feed than other varieties- this means lower costs for running things like electricity used by heating lamps too!
  • Disease resistance: Certain types fared better against parasites/diseases after passing through genetic evolution over centuries; finding these hardy birds should shield farmers from flock disease outbreaks without spending much on medicine and management techniques anymore.

Choose How You’d Like to Raise Your Flock

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (9)

Decide on the best way to grow your flock. Usually, chicken producers rear their flock in one of two manners. These methods are conventional or free-range.

The Basic Needs

There are critical components in starting a chicken husbandry business. These components are space, money, and equipment.

Additionally, whether conventional or free-range, coops are still necessary. Also, it may need some equipment and technology to keep your farm operating, whether it’s big or small.

Select your Business Sector

Determine the products you like to sell through your chicken farm. Chicken farming is a large sector with two distinct sub-sectors. These subsectors are broilers and layers. Broilers are for meat production, while layers are for egg production.

Additionally, you may establish a chicken husbandry company. This enterprise incubates eggs and raises chicks. But there are also various chicken breeds for good meat production. These breeds also have tender and tasty meat as broilers.

You can also profit from your chickens’ feathers and manures. It may surprise you that people and businesses want to buy them, apart from those two sectors.


Establish your presence clearly to prospective clients. There are several ways to promote a business where you are selling chicken products. One of these methods is to inform others.

Usually, marketing through word-of-mouth is the least expensive. More so, it’s also the most straightforward kind of promotion. But it is also the most popular marketing.

Advertising your goods on social media is a substantive benefit. More so, marketing your produce via local advertising pages as well.


The next logical move is to discover how to make money with chickens now that you know breeding earns money. Take note that it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of the chicken enterprise.

The knowledge will enable you to earn dollars faster. That is after deciding whether you plan to market or start a large-scale business.

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (10)

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (11)

Joseph Hudson

Joseph Hudson has been raising chickens for over 15 years. In 2018, he completed the Agriculture & Natural Resources program at Mt. San Antonio College. He currently raises over 1400 chickens on his 7.5-hectare farm. He keeps sharing his experience on raising healthy and happy chickens on Chicken Scratch The Foundry.

5 Ways To Make Money With Chickens - Beginner's Guide (2024)


How many chickens do you need to make it worth it? ›

If your family goes through about four dozen eggs per week, you'll likely want to aim for a slightly larger flock of around six to eight chickens. This ensures you have enough hens laying consistently to meet your weekly egg needs without putting too much strain on any individual bird.

How many chickens do I need to get a dozen eggs a day? ›

On average 13-15 chickens should be able to produce a dozen eggs a day for the best part of a year. A single hen is only capable of laying one egg a day, and there will be days when they don't lay eggs at all.

How many chickens do you need to make a profit selling eggs? ›

Figure that during her prime, a laying hen will, on average, produce three to five eggs a week. 4 If you plan to sell 10 dozen eggs a week, or 120 eggs, you can do the math to determine that 25 or 30 chicks will be a good number to start with.

How can I feed my chickens with no money? ›

Because chickens are omnivores, they will eat a wide variety of foods.
  1. Lawn clippings/Grass.
  2. Snakes, frogs and lizards.
  3. Eggs (hopefully not their own)
  4. Bugs.
  5. Kitchen scraps (greens, sprouts, etc.)
  6. Hay.
  7. Animals (mice, snakes, frogs, lizards)
  8. Crops (leftover broccoli leaves and stems, squash, and other garden scraps)
Jul 22, 2023

Does having chickens pay off? ›

The short answer is that it could take 2-4 years for your investment to financially pay off for the average person raising backyard chickens, but after that it is worth it financially. If you have enough chickens, you can also sell eggs at places like your local farmers market, and make an ongoing profit.

How many chickens should a beginner start with? ›

In conclusion, the ideal number of chickens varies depending on your space, purpose, time commitment, local regulations, and breed preferences. Starting with a small flock of 3-5 chickens is often recommended for beginners. This size allows you to manage them effectively while gaining experience in poultry care.

How many eggs will 10 chickens lay a week? ›

Ten hens should lay about nine eggs per day once they all get started. Daily egg production can vary — conditions such as bad weather, dark days, severe cold, frozen water, predators and lack of or poor quality feed will affect hens adversely and may reduce laying. As hens age, they gradually lay fewer eggs.

How many chickens do you need to lay eggs? ›

Planning for Egg Production Per Week

If you wanted to get about a dozen eggs per week, you would need between 3 to 5 laying hens. For two dozen eggs a week, you would need to double those numbers for a flock size of between 6 to 10 laying hens.

Is it cheaper to have chickens or buy eggs? ›

Additionally, if you have a large family or use a lot of eggs in your cooking, then the cost savings may be more significant. However, if you're simply looking to save money on eggs, then it's likely that buying eggs from the store will be more cost-effective in the long run.

What chicken lays 350 eggs a year? ›

The most prolific egg layers are Hybrids.

The most common of these commercial breeds are Hyline/Goldline Brown, ISA Brown and Warrens. They can lay up to 320-350 eggs per year. They start laying around 18-20 weeks of age and are most productive in their first year of laying.

At what age do chickens stop laying eggs? ›

Hens may live in backyard flocks for 6-8 years, and most flocks will produce eggs for 3-4 years. The level of egg production, egg size, and shell quality decrease each year. Most commercial layers are kept for 2-3 years as their egg production decreases after this time.

Are peking duck eggs edible? ›

You can cook duck eggs just like chicken eggs and will find that they have a creamier, richer taste. Some people prefer them deviled or in omelets or quiches, as they have a stronger flavor than chicken eggs when eaten plain.

Are backyard chickens loud? ›

Myth 2. Chickens are too Noisy. Fact: laying hens — at their loudest — have about the same decibel level as human conversation (60 to 70 decibels). Hens are so quiet that there have been cases of family flocks being kept for years without the next door neighbors knowing it.

How long do fresh eggs last? ›

A general rule, unwashed eggs will last around two weeks unrefrigerated and about three months or more in your refrigerator. If you're experiencing an egg boom, it's smart to refrigerate any unwashed fresh eggs you aren't planning to eat immediately.

How much money can you make per chicken? ›

Many areas get between $3-5 per pound or $15-25 per whole bird. If you already are raising chickens for eggs, you probably already have the brooder, run, and coop space to try out the meat bird business in your area.

How to make a business with chickens? ›

Decide if you want an egg- or meat-production farm and choose the best chicken breeds for your focus. Buy the land for your farm and purchase supplies like coops, brooders, and feeders. Apply for a loan if necessary. Market your farm by creating a website, making ads, and attending agriculture conferences to network.

Which breed of chicken is most profitable? ›

According to the study 66% of traders considered local chickens as most profitable of the other types of chickens (Table 6). This was followed by broilers (16%) while spent layers and aged broiler breeders earned the least profits. ...

Is owning chicken houses profitable? ›

Commercial chicken houses are highly efficient and profitable. However, they aren't the most humane way to raise broilers, and they result in fewer healthy chickens and, as a result, fewer healthy humans.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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