37 Virtual Reality Statistics That Prove the Future is Now (2024)

Attention-Grabbing VR Stats:

The virtual reality market was valued at $15.81 billion in 2020.

The annual revenue of the VR market will reach $4.8 billion in 2021.

Facebook shipped 2 million Oculus Quest 2 units in Q1 2021 alone.acebook shipped 2 million Oculus Quest 2 units in Q1 2021 alone.

The VR gaming industry earned $1.1 billion in 2020.

Manufacturers ship more than 5 million VR and AR headsets a year.

11 million VR units will be sold by the end of 2021.

Sony has sold more than 5 million PlayStation VR units.

23 million VR-related jobs will open by 2030.

Virtual Reality Market Statistics

The virtual reality market was valued at $15.81 billion in 2020.

(Grand View Research)

According to market reports gathered after the end of the fiscal year 2020, the VR market is on the road to becoming one of the most lucrative tech branches. It’s expected to grow at an 18% CAGR during the next seven years. Analysts predict the value of this market will reach $50.3 billion by 2028.

The VR market’s annual revenue is predicted to reach $4.8 billion by the end of 2021.


Compared to 2020, the market for virtual reality devices and apps grew by nearly a full $1 billion in 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic didn’t help improve the VR sales numbers, but with the release of Oculus Quest 2 and some killer apps along the way, the VR market has once again found its footing.

By 2024, the VR market’s annual revenue will triple.


Analysts firmly believe that the market will continue growing at a quickening rate. Looking at the projections for the market’s growth, in 2024, this tech sector should rake in over $12 billion in revenue (consumer and enterprise combined).

The VR gaming industry earned $1.1 billion in 2020.


Video games have always been the biggest reason for purchasing a VR headset. Although its entry point is still significantly more expensive than consoles for the average consumer, VR statistics confirm that the VR gaming industry is steadily growing. Analysts predict this industry will be earning $2.4 billion a year by 2024.

VR is expected to become mainstream in the next 3-4 years.


Virtual reality technology isn’t perfect. It’s also bizarre, especially to people not used to the accompanying feeling of immersion. But, thanks to many VR companies working on bringing it closer to people, it may very well become the next smartphone in terms of adoption rate. More than 80% of manufacturers believe it’s just a matter of time before VR becomes mainstream.

Consumer spending on VR and AR, according to VR market statistics, is expected to reach $72 billion by 2024.


Both virtual and augmented reality products are steadily finding their audience. At this point, AR is more attractive to companies from the financial side of things, as it’s easier and cheaper to develop AR than VR apps. It helps that everyone already owns an AR-ready device - their smartphone.

Manufacturers shipped 5.5 million AR and VR headsets in 2020.


Despite the global pandemic, chip shortage, and shipping crisis, manufacturers still delivered their devices to retailers and, ultimately, consumers. Based on the current VR sale statistics, data analysts predict that AR and VR headset manufacturers will ship 26 million per year by 2023. It’s a bright future for this technology.

11 million VR units will be sold by the end of 2021.


As the prices of VR systems drop and more people become interested in this new technology, so its sales numbers go up. More than 11 million VR units are projected to be sold by the end of 2021, and that number will double within the next two years.

Facebook sold 2 million units of Oculus Quest 2 in Q1 2021.


Continuing with the VR headset sales statistics, analysts estimate there are more than 5 million Oculus Quest 2 headsets in the wild. According to Facebook’s Q1 investor call, sales of the headset generated $732 million for the company. Considering Quests are typically sold for $299 to $399, that turns into 2 million units in a single quarter alone.

Sony has sold more than 5 million PlayStation VR units.

(Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Sony’s VR headset might not be selling as hotcakes compared to consoles, but it’s still one of the hottest pieces of tech you can own. In 2019, the sales of the PlayStation VR headset hit 5 million units, making it one of the most popular choices for VR gaming, although Sony has yet to update its virtual reality sales statistics. With a recent announcement of PSVR 2, the number of PlayStation gamers that own a VR setup is sure to increase.

The VR software market will be worth $6.4 billion in 2022.


More VR users mean more apps and games sold, too. By current data, the VR software market is en route to reach $5 billion by the end of 2021. But, in 2022, its value is set to increase by a quarter.

Product placement and advertising is a monetization method for 47% of VR developers.

(Perkins Coie)

When it comes to monetizing VR content, VR stats show that 61% of companies go the standard route of directly selling a product or a subscription. That includes devices and VR content like games, apps, and subscriptions. VR arcades account for 28% of commercial VR usage, while 36% of surveyed VR companies offer paid virtual events like concerts. The latter has been on a considerable upswing in the past two years, along with the rise of VR experiences and apps that allow for “virtual tourism” and event organization within virtual reality.

Virtual Reality Usage Statistics

78% of Americans know about VR.


So, how many people even know what VR is and what it can do? In a survey conducted by Greenlight Insights, the majority of respondents said they’re familiar with VR. The popularity of this technology is definitely on the upswing as, just a few years earlier, only 45% of people said they possessed any familiarity with the tech.

One in five US adults has tried VR so far.

(ARtillery Intelligence)

The latest statistics on virtual reality adoption confirm that many people still haven’t had the chance to try VR. While the technology is there and widely available, for an average consumer, it’s still a bit too pricey and weird. Even so, millions of Americans have already tried virtual reality, either in the comfort of their homes, at parties, or VR arcades.

On a global scale, 171 million people use VR in some manner.


While we’re still far from seeing a virtual reality headset become as common in people’s homes as a laptop or a TV set, the number of VR users is growing every year. Virtual reality statistics, calculated from the number of units shipped, reveal that the number of people interacting with VR is nearing 200 million.

Less than 30% of gamers own a VR system.


Gamers aren’t as fast at adopting VR tech as many believe. This is due to several reasons, but the price is the most common one. Good VR setups are expensive, since they require a powerful PC along with a headset and controllers - a luxury that many can’t afford, especially due to current GPU shortages.

For 64% of VR users, gaming is where this technology shines.


VR statistics reveal how a typical VR user perceives this technology. Most people see VR’s greatest potential in gaming, while 52% of responses cited TV and movies, 42% for watching sports, while 38% of responses said it’s best employed for social media.

Only 28% of people who own a VR setup use it daily.


Not everyone finds VR ideal for day-to-day use. That’s why the biggest share of respondents (39%) said they use their VR headsets on a weekly basis, while 19% of users turn on their sets once per month. Only 6% of people use their VR just once a year, according to VR usage statistics.

70% of VR users plan to increase their VR usage in the upcoming year.


Despite low numbers for daily usage, it’s evident that VR is finally clicking with more people. For example, only 7% of the survey’s participants said they plan on reducing their VR usage. Seems like most people just need to get their “VR legs” and get used to screens being so close and personal so they can truly enjoy VR.

VR is most popular among people aged 25 to 34.


VR user statistics reveal that just over a quarter (27%) of people aged 25 to 35 (i.e., young Millenials) are planning on buying a VR headset. The next most interested group are Gen Z-ers, of whom nearly a fifth would buy this technology.

22% of VR users want more immersive and interactive content.

(Perkins Coie)

Right now, VR is the peak of interactivity. Nonetheless, a lot of people believe that’s precisely the aspect that needs improvement. With full locomotion and haptic controllers, users are compelled to explore more and, thus, expect to have more stuff to do in VR. It’s just one of many VR facts - more interactivity leads to better immersion.

44% of users expect VR to find its usage in urban planning and traffic flow management.

(Perkins Coie)

Virtual reality has many potential use cases. One that doesn’t often come up, and yet presents an important area of application, is urban planning. Paired with that, managing traffic is another often overlooked field of potential use.

Virtual Reality Gaming Statistics

Only 1.8% of Steam users own a VR headset.


Virtual reality still has a long way to go until it becomes the norm in the PC gaming world. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t many VR enthusiasts already: Steam has more than 120 million users now, meaning that that seemingly measly 1.8 % actually converts into 2.16 million gamers with VR headsets.


The low entry cost and exceptional build quality helped push Oculus Quest 2 through the door. This standalone VR HMD dominates Steam’s VR gaming statistics, overtaking the Valve Index headset (owned by 17% of SteamVR users). The survey shows a drop in HTC VIVE’s share in the SteamVR ecosystem below Oculus Rift S.

Beat Saber is the highest-grossing VR game, with $69.7 million in lifetime total earnings.

(S&P Global)

Most people’s very first VR game was the Star Wars-inspired rhythm game Beat Saber. Simplistic in nature, it proved to be a great way to exercise, attracting millions of players of all ages. Aside from the $29.99 base game, developer Beat Games also sells additional songs for $1.99 a pop, but they weren’t used to calculate this VR statistic. That means Beat Saber’s revenue is actually much higher.

Half-Life: Alyx generated $64.6 million in revenue during its first six months.

(S&P Global)

Valve’s latest entry in the beloved Half-Life series is also one of the fastest-selling VR games of all time. This is impressive, considering it’s close to beating Beat Saber’s earnings despite the rhythm game being available for longer and on more platforms than HL: Alyx. The game also gave a significant boost to Valve Index sales.

Phasmophobia is the top-selling VR game on Steam.


Considering VR adoption rate spiked thanks to it, you might have expected that Half-Life: Alyx is Steam’s bestseller in the VR category. That was certainly the case for its first six months out, but then Phasmophobia was released in September 2020 and has outsold it since. Alyx is followed by another smash hit, Beat Saber, and then Pavlov VR - a multiplayer shooter.

Steam’s VR best sellers:

  1. Phasmophobia
  2. Half-Life: Alyx
  3. Beat Saber
  4. Pavlov VR
  5. Blade and Sorcery
  7. Microsoft Flight Simulator
  8. Tabletop Simulator
  9. Assetto Corsa

Kat Walk C is the highest-earning VR accessory on Kickstarter with $1.7 million in funding.


While Oculus Rift is still dominating Kickstarter’s virtual reality stats, in the accessory department, it’s evident that people want to feel movement in VR. KTVR’s omnidirectional VR treadmill was a smash hit on the crowdfunding platform, backed by 1,397 people. This device was selling for $999+ and allowed gamers to experience the thrill of VR arcades in the comfort of their own home.

Twitch viewers watched 17.3 million hours of VR gaming content in 2020.

(Esports Charts)

Content creators have found a lot of success streaming popular VR games on Twitch. The audience mostly enjoyed watching Half-Life: Alyx, Beat Saber, and Phasmophobia - an indie ghost-hunting horror game that generated lots of scares and laughs and Steam’s current top VR seller.

Commercial Virtual Reality Statistics

Commercial application accounts for 53% of all VR technology usage.

(Grand View Research)

Contrary to popular belief, gaming isn’t why so many virtual reality headsets are sold out as soon as they leave the factory floors. The commercial sector has seen the biggest usage of VR tech, either in retail, showrooms, or real estate. Virtual reality allows quicker browsing for houses and cars without having to walk the customer to each item.

Training simulations are expected to become the most common application of VR in healthcare.

(Mordor Intelligence)

Virtual reality can have many different uses and, according to VR application statistics, it could prove to be a lifesaver - pun intended - for healthcare professionals. Teaching surgeons, studying diseases, even helping with mental health are just some of the possibilities. Experts believe VR and AR will most likely become the norm for training young doctors and surgeons within the next two years, followed by assisting surgeons when performing complicated operations.

There are more than 950 VR startups in the United States.

(Mordor Intelligence)

A lot of people are working on developing new VR apps, games, and experiences. In the US alone, hundreds of companies are exploring the possibilities of this technology, finding new ways to apply it in science and entertainment.

VR industry statistics reveal that 85% of VR companies in the US already have active projects, or will launch one soon.

(Mordor Intelligence)

All that startup potential is already showing and, within the next two years, things will get even more interesting. Developers currently working on virtual reality projects are already testing their products in the field for things like in-flight entertainment, virtual shopping, healthcare programs, and more.

Thanks to the VR industry, 23.3 million jobs will be created by the end of this decade.


The increased popularity of commercial and consumer VR is great for pretty much everyone. PwC’s virtual reality industry statistics support an exciting prediction - not only will more people find work, but it’s estimated that the growth of this industry will boost the global economy by $1.5 trillion by 2030.

The United States GDP is set to increase by $537 billion by 2030 from VR and AR jobs.


In the United States alone, the growth of AR/VR tech will create 2.3 million jobs. China will have an even larger job market, with 6.8 million job openings leading to a $183.3 billion increase in GDP by the end of this decade.

Adopting VR in the workplace could lead to a 43% decrease in workplace injuries.

(Chaos Theory Games)

An important virtual reality statistic is the one showcasing how VR could lead to a safer workplace for many. Remote control through VR could not only decrease the risk of injury, but also improve productivity in many industries.

VR training has improved employee success rate by 70%.

(Chaos Theory Games)

A recent experiment conducted by Walmart had employees train via VR. The results were positive - a 30% increase in employee satisfaction, up to a 15% higher retention rate, and, as mentioned, better results on post-training tests. A virtual reality device could soon become a part of onboarding procedures in many companies across the world.


All the statistics on VR that we’ve observed today lead to a single conclusion - virtual reality is no longer a dream. It has come down from sci-fi movies and tech expos to everyday life. Slowly but steadily, it’s becoming the future of entertainment, and a helping hand at work. There are exciting things to come.

37 Virtual Reality Statistics That Prove the Future is Now (2024)


What are the future statistics for VR? ›

Virtual Reality: Statistics Overview. In 2021, 9.86 million AR and VR devices were shipped worldwide, with a forecast of 14.19 million units in 2022.

What are the statistics of virtual reality? ›

Virtual Reality Statistics by Users

As of 2023, there are 65.9 million VR users and 110.1 million AR users in the U.S. There are an estimated 171 million VR users worldwide. As of 2022, the VR gaming industry has a market size of $12.13 billion. 25- to 34-year-olds account for 23% of VR/AR device users.

Is virtual reality really the future? ›

VR is a very exciting facet of technology that has a lot of potential for the future. While these headsets are not ready for widespread use yet, they're worth keeping an eye on. I'm very confident that we'll see major improvements in the next five to 10 years to make it more comfortable and practical for everyday use.

How will virtual reality impact the future? ›

We are constantly learning and evolving as humans, and VR will play a huge role in accelerating this process. With the ability to experience any environment or situation, VR can open our minds to new possibilities that would otherwise be unavailable to us.

What is the future of VR 2030? ›

In 2030, many VR headsets now include the option for brain-computer interfaces to record users' electrical signals and enable actions by merely thinking about them. Headbands and wrist bands with non-invasive sensors have become the preferred choices for mainstream brain-computer interface use.

What will virtual reality be in 2050? ›

By 2050, all virtual reality headsets come with brain-computer interfaces of some type. The somewhat niche and experimental brain-computer interfaces in the 2030s are being replaced by much more sophisticated versions, making brain signal data less noisy.

How many people will use VR in 2030? ›

The number of consumer human machine interface devices dedicated to augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) throughout the world is forecast to grow to more than 73 million by 2030, an increase of more than 65 million compared to 2020.

How virtual reality affect our life? ›

Healthcare: VR will have a huge impact on how the medical community diagnoses and treats diseases and illnesses. Right now, VR is being used to detect glaucoma, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease. It has also begun to establish itself as a useful tool for treating PTSD and anxiety disorders, dementia, and autism.

How fast is virtual reality growing? ›

Report Overview. The global virtual reality market size was valued at USD 28.41 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.8% from 2023 to 2030. Virtual Reality (VR) enables users to experience a three-dimensional environment in the real world.

Can virtual reality replace real-life? ›

The way virtual reality is able to mimic realistic experiences is what makes it so popular. Virtual reality is able to deliver artificial stand-ins for real-life stimuli that are often produced by someone affected by their natural environment.

Is virtual reality good or bad? ›

Using VR technology for long periods of time has been shown to cause to eye strain. The symptoms of eye strain usually grow more severe the longer you use VR uninterrupted. Some scientists have hypothesized that VR is prone to causing eye strain because of how close a VR headset display is to the user's eyes.

What are the 3 types of virtual reality? ›

Primarily there are three types of VR.
  • Non-immersive VR. A non-immersive VR is fashioned to impart a computer-generated environment where the user can control activities without direct interaction. ...
  • Semi immersive VR. ...
  • Fully immersive VR.
Aug 30, 2022

What are the benefits of virtual reality in life? ›

VR can improve the grasping of core concepts among students and trainees. The technology also allows the learner to decide their own pace of learning. Visualizing the invisible can transform learners' learning experience, helping them understand and retain information longer.

Why is virtual reality important today? ›

The computer-simulated environment helps in simulating the physical presence in the real world or imaginary world. The cutting-edge technology acts as an interface between the origin and the history of VR and elaborates the current technology in every aspect of developing and introducing diverse methods.

Does virtual reality help us? ›

VR can also be used as a treatment for mental health issues, with Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy thought to be particularly effective in the treatment of PTSD and anxiety. There are many other ways spending time in VR can have therapeutic benefits.

Where will VR technology be in 5 years? ›

According to research by the International Data Corporation (IDC) research, VR and AR market will reach 15.5 billion euros by 2022. AR and VR spending would reach $18.8 billion in 2020, an increase of 78.5% over the $10.5 billion, achieving a five-year annual growth rate (CAGR) of 77.0% to 2023.

How many people will use VR in 2025? ›

Virtual Reality Usage in the US

More and more US residents are also expected to start using VR more frequently. This number is expected to increase to 73.7 million in 2024 and by 2025, experts estimate there will be 75.4 million VR users in the US.

Where will VR be in 10 years? ›

In 10 years VR will still be 4k and have a wider field of view. It will use eye tracking technology to apply greater processing time to the area you're looking at. Tracking will be perfect on all platforms without messy installation, and it will be incredibly comfortable. In short, what we have now but better.

Is VR dying or growing? ›

VR has been a work in progress for decades. It will slow down, but not die. The reason it feels VR is so massive is because of meta, going in and out of VR push.

What will VR market be worth in 2030? ›

Report CoverageDetails
Market Size by 2030USD 859.35 Billion
Growth Rate from 2022 to 2030CAGR of 46.03%
Base Year2021
Forecast Period2022 to 2030
3 more rows

Will VR become addictive? ›

As with any media addiction, playing VR games for hours can cause serious mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and in many cases, autism spectrum traits and features, obesity, sleep problems, increased aggression.

What is the longest time spent in VR? ›

In New York City's West Village two Brooklynites spent 50 hours watching VR content.

Why is VR becoming more popular? ›

VR Is Becoming Increasingly More Affordable

One of the primary reasons VR technology is becoming more popular is its cost efficiency. Compared to other forms of entertainment, VR doesn't require expensive hardware or software to get started. Most people already own a smartphone that is capable of running a VR app.

What are the pros and cons of VR? ›

Pros and cons of Virtual Reality
Pros and Cons of VR
Gives detail viewsUsers addict to the virtual world
Connects with peopleTechnology is still experimental
Effective communicationTraining in VR environment is not real
3 more rows

Is virtual reality good or bad for your brain? ›

Just like with any other technology, overexposure to VR can lead to increased alterations in the brain, resulting in headaches and nausea.

What is good example of virtual reality? ›

A VR headset is a head-mounted device, such as goggles. A VR headset is a visual screen or display. Headsets often include state-of-the-art sound, eye or head motion-tracking sensors or cameras.

Who uses VR the most? ›

Who uses VR the most? Apparently, the largest spender on AR and VR in 2020 was China. The country spent over $5.8 billion on this tech, accounting for 38% of the global AR/VR market share. After it, the US spends the most, with around $5.1 billion.

How long is we met in virtual reality? ›

TV-MA | documentary | 1 HR 33 MIN | 2022.

What ages use virtual reality? ›

In other words, children under 13 years of age can use VR headsets, but some risks are involved. Here are the benefits of using VR for each age group, including children over 13, adults between 18 and 65, and seniors over 65.

What will virtual reality replace? ›

Philosopher Says Virtual Worlds Will Replace Physical Reality In Future.

What can virtual reality not replace? ›

In the end, even the best goggles in the world mean nothing without the VR experience developed on the same level. And of course, there are some things in life that just cannot be replaced with VR, like eating, sleeping, or using the bathroom.

Is VR good for Mental Health? ›

Studies show that virtual reality may be an effective tool in the treatment of mental illness. VR helps to rewire your brain and grow healthier pathways that promote resilience, relaxation, recovery, and results.

Is virtual reality better for learning? ›

These VR experiences improve learning outcomes and help students build important interpersonal skills such as empathy, collaboration, and social skills needed for the future.

Why do my eyes hurt after VR? ›

When using VR, a user's brain is forced to process visual stimuli in a different way than normal. This can cause eye strain, which is simply a case of the eye muscles becoming fatigued. Eye strain will not cause long-term problems, but it is a sign that the eyes and brain need a break from the activity.

What are the 4 key elements to virtual reality? ›

What are the 4 elements of Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality comprises 4 primary elements: virtual world, immersion, sensory feedback, and interactivity.

Who invented VR? ›

The use of the term “virtual reality,” however, was first used in the mid-1980s when Jaron Lanier, founder of VPL Research, began to develop the gear, including goggles and gloves, needed to experience what he called “virtual reality.”

What are the challenges of virtual reality? ›

Main Problems in VR App Development
  • Consumer Perceptions. According to a 2022 report from ARtillery Intelligence, 61 percent of Americans have no interest in owning a VR headset. ...
  • High Costs. ...
  • Latency Issues. ...
  • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy. ...
  • Game Engine Limitations. ...
  • VR Sickness Among Consumers. ...
  • Creative Blocks.
Jun 1, 2022

What is the state of VR in 2023? ›

In 2023, VR has yet to become a staple device for the average gamer in the gaming industry. Despite numerous AAA game releases, integration with gaming metaverses, and ongoing R&D support from tech giants like Meta, Sony, and Apple, VR remains primarily an optional peripheral for the general consumer.

How fast is the VR market growing? ›

Report Overview. The global virtual reality market size was valued at USD 28.41 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.8% from 2023 to 2030. Virtual Reality (VR) enables users to experience a three-dimensional environment in the real world.

How does virtual reality affect real life? ›

Healthcare: VR will have a huge impact on how the medical community diagnoses and treats diseases and illnesses. Right now, VR is being used to detect glaucoma, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease. It has also begun to establish itself as a useful tool for treating PTSD and anxiety disorders, dementia, and autism.

What are the advantages of virtual reality? ›

Here are seven benefits of virtual reality in several industries.
  • Learning can become fun. ...
  • On-the-job learning made possible. ...
  • Speed up the learning process. ...
  • The “try-before-you-buy” concept. ...
  • Remote training made possible. ...
  • Trigger an emotional response from the learners.
Dec 14, 2022

How long does VR exist? ›

The use of the term “virtual reality,” however, was first used in the mid-1980s when Jaron Lanier, founder of VPL Research, began to develop the gear, including goggles and gloves, needed to experience what he called “virtual reality.” Even before that, however, technologists were developing simulated environments.

Who uses virtual reality? ›

Virtual reality is primarily used in gaming. But in recent years, virtual reality has also been a part of healthcare, education, entertainment, and automotive industries -- among many others which you'll peek in the article.

Is VR for all ages? ›

Doing so will help you better understand how the experience presents to a user and make sure the content and perspective is appropriate for your kids. All that being said, manufacturers often note that VR headsets are recommended for kids 13 and up.

Why are VR over 13? ›

Designed for ages 13+

Younger children have greater risks of injury and adverse effects than older users. While we know that children under 13 may want to use Meta VR systems, we do not permit them to create accounts or use Meta VR systems. Adults should monitor the time their teens 13+ spend using the headset.

Is VR being used in schools? ›

Schools are also leveraging virtual reality technology to help facilitate distance learning. In situations where physical barriers or limitations (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) may prevent teachers and students from being in the same classroom together, VR can provide a viable alternative.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.