31 Most Wanted Rare Coins to Sell Online and Make Money (2024)

Buying andselling have gone inanentirely new direction with theintroduction of21st-century technology andtheinternet. Many people now sell their products andservices inanonline setting.

One ofthemost exciting sectors oftheonline marketplace has been theincreasing accessibility ofcollectibles toawider audience. And chief among popular collectibles are coins.

Selling coins online isalucrative business ifyou have agood grasp ofthecoin market, andalittle ecommerce know-how.

Research from auction houses shows that lucrative sales ofrare coins are ontherise, with thenumbers climbing uptotheseven figures range. This implies that thecoin market ishealthy, asindicated bytheProfessional Numismatists Guild (PNG).

We’re here totalk about what coins are indemand, andhow you can meet these demands byselling toonline buyers.

Why Sell Coins Online

Ifyou’ve ever dreamed ofselling coins online, this istheperfect time totry itout. One ofthebest ways tolocate buyers foryour coins istotake them online. Why online? Because 63percent ofshopping journeys begin online, andthis makes online coin store alucrative option toconsider.

And with theplethora ofadvantages offered byEcwid asanecommerce platform, you will automatically open upyour coins toawider audience. You also have theopportunity toclose deals much faster, through online payment gateways andautomatic shipping calculations.

Another reason totake your coins online isincase ofrare coins (those forwhich itcould bedifficult tofind theright buyer), theonline marketplace can beagreat way toget your coins out there forpotential buyers from around theworld tosee.

Selling coins has never been easier because ofthewide variety ofoptions available tovalidate them asyou can also launch your store andsell everywhere, anywhere, anytime.

31Most Wanted Coins that are Worth Selling orCollecting

Silver andgold American Eagles generally take thetop spot ontheaverage list ofthemost wanted coins fortheprivate collectors, atleast intheEnglish-speaking world.

That means, ifyou happen tohave one forsale, you shouldn’t have too much ofaproblem finding abuyer, especially inanonline setting. Based ondemand andvalue, thefollowing coins are themost in-demand andcan besold online through your storefront.

1796Draped Bust Quarter

The quarter-dollar plays avital role intheUSeconomy, serving asits workhorse since 1796. The first-ever circulating quarters, the1796Draped Bust quarter, designed byRobert Scot, are considered rare andhold aspecial place asthefirst-year coin ofits denomination. Any example ofthis 18th-century UScoin isdeemed anational treasure, with even aGood-4graded specimen commanding aprice ofaround $10,000.

1864Two Cents

Did you know that the1864Two Cents coin inAmerica had aface value oftwo cents? Itwas thefirst coin intheUnited States tofeature thenational motto “IN GOD WETRUST.” While rare andvaluable, these coins can beobtained forless than $50indecently circulated condition. They make agreat addition toanyUScoin collection andare excellent conversation starters.

1876Liberty Seated Half Dollar

The Liberty Seated design, also known as“Seated Liberty,” was aprominent representation ofAmerican coinage inthe19th century. Itadorned numerous United States silver coins from thelate 1830s totheearly 1890s, with some examples being rare andvaluable. However, there are still affordable options available, such asthe1876Liberty Seated half dollar, which can beacquired forunder $100.

1883“No Cents” Liberty Nickel

The 1883Liberty Head nickel, without theword “cents” andfeaturing aRoman numeral “V,” caused astir aspeople tried topass itoff asa$5gold coin. Crafty crooks gold-plated thenickel anddeceived unsuspecting victims. One intriguing story involves Josh Tatum, adeaf andmute man who cleverly used gold-plated nickels tomake purchases worth five cents. Although hewas eventually caught, hecouldn’t beconvicted asnoone could testify that heclaimed thecoins tobe$5gold pieces. Get an1883NoCents Liberty nickel today forless than $10andown afascinating piece ofhistory.

1892Columbian Commemorative Half Dollar

In1892, theUnited States introduced its first commemorative coin program tocelebrate Christopher Columbus’s arrival intheAmericas. The 1892Columbian half dollar was created forthe1892Chicago World’s Fair andsold for$1each. Asthefirst official U.S. commemorative coin, itholds significant historical value andisaccessible tocollectors, with circulated specimens selling slightly above their melt value anduncirculated pieces starting ataround $50.

1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent

The 1909Lincoln Penny holds great significance within theLincoln Cent collection, renowned forits popularity. Designed byVictor David Brenner, this coin caused astir byfeaturing his full initials, VDB, onthereverse side. However, theSan Francisco facility later decided toremove theinitials, resulting inthescarcity ofthe1909-S VDB Lincoln Cents.

1916-D Mercury Dime

The 1916-D Mercury dime isaremarkable rarity that holds aprominent position oncoin collectors’ wishlists. Minted during theinaugural year ofproduction, itisskillfully crafted byrenowned Adolph A.Weinman. With alimited mintage ofjust 264,000pieces, itiseven scarcer than theesteemed 1909-S VDB Lincoln cent. Expect prices starting from $1,000forthis ultimate key date intheMercury dime series.

1921Morgan Silver Dollar

Named after its designer, George T.Morgan, theMorgan Silver Dollar was first minted in1878andproduced until 1904. Itthen took a16-year break. During World War I,thePittman Act allowed upto350,000,000Morgan Silver Dollars tobemelted, with most ofthesilver sold totheUnited Kingdom. The act also authorized theminting ofnew silver dollars. In1921, theU.S. Mint produced theMorgan Dollar one final time before being replaced bythePeace Dollar, commemorating theend ofthewar. In2021, theU.S. Mint reintroduced theiconic design tomark thecentenary ofthetransition from theMorgan tothePeace Dollar.

1921Peace Silver Dollar

The Peace Dollar, acentenary piece highly sought after bycoin collectors, was introduced bytheU.S. Mint tomeet thedemand forsilver coins after theFirst World War. Designed byAnthony deFrancisci, itfirst entered circulation in1921. Although theprogram was discontinued in1928, itmade acomeback in1934and1935, with thelast strike being the2021Commemorative edition. Peace Dollars are prized collectibles due totheir variations, reflecting thedifferent USMint branches where they were produced.

1932Washington Quarter

The Statehood Quarters andAmerica theBeautiful series are two highly successful numismatic programs intheU.S. coinage history. Washington Quarters, introduced in1932tocelebrate George Washington’s birth, should not beoverlooked. Collectors who started with theState quarters would appreciate this piece toexpand their collection.

1933Indian Head Gold Eagle

The 1933Indian Head gold eagle isarare numismatic coin that narrowly avoided gold confiscation bythegovernment. With only afew surviving, these coins are highly valued andlegally owned. Mint employees took advantage ofatime gap toexchange earlier coins forthe1933edition, resulting inlimited availability. The estimated value ofa1933gold eagle ranges from $162,000inAU50condition to$600,000inMS65condition.

1938-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar

The Walking Liberty half dollar iswidely regarded asthemost beautiful silver coin produced bytheUnited States. Designed byAdolph A.Weinman, itwas minted from 1916to1947. While some dates are scarce andexpensive forcollectors, the1938-D issue with amintage of491,600isasought-after key date. Anuncirculated example can bepurchased foraround $500.

1942-P Jefferson Silver Nickel

During World War II, thecomposition oftheJefferson nickel changed toconserve nickel forthewar effort. The new silver-based composition, used from 1942to1945, can bedistinguished bytheprominent “P,” “D,” or“S” mintmarks onthecoin. These war nickels are valued fortheir silver content andcan still befound incirculation.

1943Copper Penny

The 1943copper penny isanextremely rare mint error with significant monetary value. Only 40ofthese coins were unintentionally produced during World War IIwhen theU.S. Mint switched tozinc-coated steel pennies toconserve resources forammunition. Some bronze planchets from theprevious year’s production remained inthemint presses, resulting incoins with the1943date. Ifyou happen tohave a1943copper penny, itcould beworth $10,000ormore. Beaware ofcounterfeit versions andensure theauthenticity ofyour coin. Don’t miss out onthis opportunity toown aremarkable piece ofhistory!

1943Lincoln Steel Cent

The 1943Lincoln Steel Cent isaunique coin that was produced during World War IIwhen copper was needed forammunition. Made from steel with athin coating ofzinc, these pennies were initially believed toberare andvaluable. While circulated andworn examples are more affordable, better-condition coins can befound andcertified bythird-party services. Despite its commonality, thehistory behind this coin makes itafascinating addition toanycollection.

1955Doubled Die Lincoln Penny

The 1955doubled die Lincoln penny isawell-known error coin produced bytheU.S. Mint. The doubling onthefront side iseasily noticeable without magnification. The word “LIBERTY,” themotto “IN GOD WETRUST,” andthe1955date show clear doubling. However, thereverse side ofthecoin isflawlessly crafted anddoes not exhibit anydoubling. This error ishard tomiss, making iteasy todistinguish between thegenuine version andtheless conspicuous 1955“poor man’s” doubled die. Innear-mint condition, this rare coin could bevalued ataround $1,800.

1964Kennedy Half Dollar

The Kennedy half-dollar, apopular coin intheUS, was created tohonor thelate President John F.Kennedy. Itreplaced Benjamin Franklin’s depiction andbecame ahighly collected silver piece. The first Kennedy half-dollar had a90% silver composition, while later versions were made ofsilver (40%) andother metals.

1979Susan BAnthony Dollar

The Susan B.Anthony Dollar, minted from 1979to1981andbriefly in1999, holds several notable distinctions. Itwas thefirst U.S. coin tofeature areal woman, honoring Susan B.Anthony andher role inthesuffrage movement. Additionally, itintroduced asmaller size andaneleven-sided rim, paying tribute totheApollo 11insignia.

1986American Silver Eagles

The American Eagles program, launched in1986, isrenowned worldwide forits success andpopularity. Itincludes gold andsilver bullion coins, aswell asproof versions. The Silver Eagles feature thetimeless “Walking Liberty” design, while thegold coins showcase Liberty from the1906Double Eagle coin. The 1986edition holds iconic status astheinaugural coin. Uncirculated coins offer liquidity andportfolio value, while proof coins are prized collectibles fortheir stunning design.

1992“Close AM” Penny

Coins must beminted precisely, asanydeviation from accuracy catches collectors’ attention. Interestingly, this coin isnot anerror; ithas amodification that sets itapart from thestandard penny ofits year. Take amoment toexamine thereverse side andobserve the“AM” inscription. In1993, proof coins andbusiness strikes transitioned from theWide AMtotheClose AMdesign. However, asmall number of1992cents were produced with thenewer Close AMdesign of1993. These rare coins are valued at$25,000. Don’t miss your chance toown apiece ofnumismatic history!

1997Double Ear Lincoln Cent

The 1997Double Ear Cent displays aremarkable doubling effect onLincoln’s earlobe andear. There isalso visible doubling onthelock ofhair infront oftheupper ear andother areas. These doubling features are believed tobecaused byadouble striking, enhancing thecoin’s desirability. Even incirculated condition, this coin can bevalued atapproximately $50. Don’t miss thechance toown this captivating piece ofnumismatic history!

The 1999-P Connecticut Broadstruck Quarter

When acoin isnot aligned properly with themachine during minting, itisreferred toasbeing “broadstruck.” This misalignment causes thecoin toappear off-centered. In1999, anumber ofConnecticut state quarters entered circulation andare now valued at100times thestandard quarter. Ifyou happen tocome across one, you could find yourself $25wealthier.

2004Wisconsin State Quarter with extra Leaf

The front side ofthis quarter showcases thestandard design oftheWisconsin Quarter, with afew modifications. Introduced onOctober 25, 2004, itfeatures around ofcheese, acow, andanear ofcorn. Among the2004Wisconsin Quarter variations, themost sought-after are theones with anextra cornstalk leaf, pointing up(the “High Leaf”) ordown (the “Low Leaf”). These coin variations, part oftheState Quarters series, have gained immense popularity, with speculations that theextra leaves were intentionally created attheDenver Mint. Finding one ofthese quarters inyour change could bevalued ataround $300fortheHigh Leaf variation andupto$250fortheLow Leaf variation onaverage.

2005Speared Bison Jefferson Nickel

Introducing thesecond-most modern coin, thecaptivating Speared Bison Jefferson Nickel! From 1913to1938, US5-cent coins featured themajestic bison onthereverse, honoring thenative North American animal. In2005, thebison design returned, paying tribute totheworld’s diverse wildlife. Have you ever come across a2005nickel with this extraordinary characteristic? The Speared Bison Jefferson Nickel has gained immense popularity, with prices soaring ashigh as$1,265. Join collectors incelebrating theallure ofthis remarkable coin!

The Godless 2007Presidential Dollar Coin

Check out theimpressive Presidential Dollar Coin series bytheU.S. Mint in2007! This esteemed collection features late presidents, adding honor andlegacy. While notable figures like Barack Obama, George W.Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, andJimmy Carter were ineligible, this coin program reintroduced edge lettering after 74years. Interestingly, some Presidential Dollar coins are called “Godless,” due totheir unique absence ofedge lettering. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity! The rare “missing edge lettering” error can beworth anywhere from $29to$228inthemarketplace.

2023Britannia Coins Type 1

The Britannia Series, introduced bytheBritish Royal Mint in1987, includes gold, silver, andplatinum coins. Depicting Britannia, thesymbol oftheUnited Kingdom, onthereverse side, these coins hold national significance. The obverse side features theportrait ofthelate Queen Elizabeth II, thelongest-reigning female monarch. Following her passing in2022, atemporary Type 1version ofthe2023Britannias with theQueen’s bust was released while production adjusted forthenew obverse motif, featuring thecurrent King.

2023Britannia Coins Type 2

These exquisite coins have significant investment value andcaptivate collectors with their undeniable allure. The reverse side motif ofBritannia remains unchanged, while theobverse features amajestic left-profile bust oftheKing. Encircled byhis name, face value, andLatin initials representing “By thegrace ofGod, King,” these premier coins showcase theKing’s inaugural depiction like never before. Experience thecharm andregal presence ofKing Charles III onthese extraordinary coins.

American Gold Buffalo Coins

The Gold Buffalo coin isasophisticated addition toanycoin collection. Itisa24-karat gold bullion coin produced bytheUSMint, making itthefirst ofits kind. With its full-length depiction ofanAmerican Bison onthereverse side, thecoin iscommonly referred toasthe“Buffalo.” The obverse side features arevised version oftheIndian Head coin, designed byJames E.Fraser in1913, paying homage tothenation’s indigenous people. Asthefirst 24-karat gold coin made bytheUnited States Mint, theAmerican Gold Buffalo holds significant historical value.

Austrian Silver Philharmonic

The Austrian Silver Philharmonic coins feature anexquisite design, showcasing therenowned Philharmonic Orchestra ofVienna. Created byThomas Pesendorfer, this series debuted in1989with agold coin. In2008, theAustrian Mint introduced thesilver counterpart, quickly becoming atop-seller. In2016, theplatinum version was added, expanding options forcollectors. This collection combines artistry with precious metal investment.

Chinese Silver Panda coins

Every year, theChinese Mint unveils anew design forthePanda bullion coins program. This annual variation adds intrigue tocollecting Chinese Panda coins. For intermediate collectors, Chinese Silver Pandas offer amore affordable option. Ifyou prefer gold investment advantages, theGold Pandas also serve asexceptional collectible coins. The Panda Series was introduced bytheChinese Mint in1982with gold coins, initially measured introy ounces. In2016, theChinese Mint transitioned totheinternational system ofunits, andnow all coins are weighed ingrams.

Lunar Series Coins

The Perth Mint’s Lunar Series isapopular choice forcoin collectors. Itfeatures theChinese Zodiac asamotif, with each year corresponding toadifferent animal. The series releases anew design each year, honoring theregent animal ofthat year. Currently, theLunar Series isonits third cycle (Lunar Series III), with two previous editions, each consisting of12coins.

Top 5oftheMost Valuable Coins intheWorld that Cost aFortune

Just because acoin israre andexpensive doesn’t mean that theonly place you can find one isinamuseum. It’s easy tofind andsell rare coins out intheworld, andone way forthecoin enthusiast tobecome alucrative coin monger istosell coins online, with alittle help from Ecwid.

#1 1933Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle

Currently estimated price: $20,165,100

The 1933Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle isahighly coveted andvaluable coin. With only one privately owned specimen, itfetched arecord-breaking $18.9million inarecent auction. Despite government orders tomelt down all privately held coins ofthis type, one specimen remains inprivate hands, making itthemost valuable U.S. coin inexistence.

#2 1849Coronet Head Gold $20Double Eagle

Currently estimated price: $18,339,515

The sole surviving 1849Coronet Head Gold $20Double Eagle stands asaremarkable testament totheCalifornia Gold Rush. Minted asthevery first ofits kind intheUnited States, this rare coin symbolizes anera ofhistoric significance. While theSmithsonian Institute proudly preserves one ofthetwo known specimens, thelocation oftheother remains amystery. Should theSmithsonian coin ever find its way toauction, experts estimate its value torange between astaggering $10,000,000and$20,000,000.

#3 1794Flowing Hair Silver Dollar

Currently estimated price: $13,280,850

The 1794Flowing Hair Silver Dollar isarare andvaluable coin with aunique depiction ofLady Liberty. Only asmall number ofthese coins were minted, andtoday, there are estimated tobebetween 120and130inexistence. Considered thefirst-ever silver dollar intheUnited States, one particularly well-preserved 1794Flowing Hair Silver Dollar stands out. Itwas sold atauction in2013forover $10million. Recently, itwent upforauction again inOctober 2020but remained unsold.

#4 1787Brasher Doubloon

Currently estimated price: $9,986,500

The Brasher Dubloon, thefirst gold coin produced intheUnited States, holds historical significance. Crafted byEphraim Brasher, only seven coins were made. The recent auction ofa1787Brasher Dubloon set anew record at$9.36million, with experts speculating its future worth toreach $100million.

#5 1822Capped Bust Half Eagle

Currently estimated price: $8,400,000

Only three 1822Capped Bust $5Half Eagle gold coins exist today, making them incredibly rare. The Smithsonian Institute houses two, while one remains inprivate possession. The finest example, graded AU-50byPCGS, recently sold forarecord-breaking $8.4million atauction.

Top Selling Coins onPublic Marketplaces

Marketplaces such asAmazon oreBay are apopular destination forcollectors seeking rare coins. While they may not betheideal platform forselling amillion-dollar ancient coin, they serve asanexcellent venue forfinding customers interested incollections orindividual coins valued at$100orless.

Here’s thelist ofcoins that are indemand onmarketplaces

Top selling coins onAmazon

  • World coins collections
  • WW2World Currency
  • American silver eagle
  • Pearl Harbor andJapanese Invasion Coins
  • 2017President Donald Trump Inaugural Silver coins

Top selling coins oneBay

  • 1922SUSPeace Silver Dollar
  • Silver Ben Franklin Half Dollar
  • 1964Proof Silver Kennedy Half Dollar
  • Unsearched Lincoln wheat pennies
  • 1875 Liberty Seated Silver Twenty Cents

How tosell coins online with Ecwid

Thinking ofselling old coins? Whether you have acoin collection athome orwant toventure into thecoin selling niche, itcan bestressful not knowing where tostart orhow tomaximize their value.

But fret not! Selling coins online isnow easier than ever. Our concise guide will help you sell your old coins, regardless ofyour reason forselling.

Discover how toconnect with buyers, optimize coin value, identify top online platforms, andstart making sales without alarge upfront investment.


Itistruly astounding tocontemplate how acoin that was once worth just $1can now command millions ofdollars. This isjust one ofthemany treasures that awaits aburgeoning coin enthusiast.

And ofcourse, forsomeone toacquire acoin, there must beawilling seller.

So, ifyou happen tobeaperson with acollection ofcoins, now presents awonderful opportunity foryou toexplore selling rare coins online. Tothrive inthis business, itiscrucial tofocus onrare coins that hold thehighest demand inthemarket.

But fear not, forstarting out requires nothing more than anecommerce platform that isuser-friendly. With this, you can create awebsite that serves asadedicated marketplace foryour blossoming coin enterprise.

Avirtual space that caters tocoin enthusiasts, where you can sell your coins without worrying about commissions ortransaction fees, while still maintaining reasonable costs.

When itcomes toonline coin sales, there are numerous options available.

However, wehighly recommend utilizing anecommerce platform like Ecwid. Byleveraging its built-in audience feature, you can take advantage ofits distribution channels. Byestablishing your own online store, complete with enticing promotions andexclusive deals, awebsite affords you theopportunity togather email addresses formarketing purposes andexecute captivating campaigns. Integrating your website with Ecwid will significantly enhance your selling capacity.

Already have awebsite? Noworries! Simply install Ecwid asashopping cart plugin, andyou’re ready toembark onyour coin-selling journey!

31 Most Wanted Rare Coins to Sell Online and Make Money (37)

Selling coins online: making money onselling money.
Learn more

  • How toMake Money Selling Coins Online
  • What Coins are inDemand?
  • Coins Appraisal: How And Why toAppraise Your Coins Before Selling
  • How toSell Coins onOnline Coin Auction
  • How toClean Old Coins Without Damaging Them
  • Best Coin Value Checker andManagement Apps
31 Most Wanted Rare Coins to Sell Online and Make Money (2024)


What is the most sought after coin? ›

With just one coin currently in existence, the gold 1849 Double Eagle is considered the rarest and most valuable coin in US history.

What coin is worth $1000000? ›

1943 Bronze Lincoln Penny. Now we're getting into some serious money. The 1943 Bronze Lincoln penny has gone for hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it could go for as much as $1 million in perfect shape, according to Urban Aunty — as long as it's missing a mint mark (and thus from Philadelphia).

What coins can I sell for money? ›

31 Most Wanted Coins that are Worth Selling or Collecting
  • 1796 Draped Bust Quarter. Image source. ...
  • 1864 Two Cents. Image source. ...
  • 1876 Liberty Seated Half Dollar. Image source. ...
  • 1883 “No Cents” Liberty Nickel. ...
  • 1892 Columbian Commemorative Half Dollar. ...
  • 1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent. ...
  • 1916-D Mercury Dime. ...
  • 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar.

What coin is easiest to sell? ›

Silver coins will prove the easiest to sell among bars, rounds, and coins since sovereign governments issue them.

What coins are people looking for? ›

Top 10 Coins Worth Collecting
  • 01 of 10. 1909-S V.D.B. Lincoln Cent. ...
  • 02 of 10. 1921 Peace Dollar. ...
  • 03 of 10. 1878-CC Morgan Silver Dollar. ...
  • 04 of 10. 1914-D Lincoln Cent. ...
  • 05 of 10. 1955/55 Doubled Die Lincoln Cent. ...
  • 06 of 10. 1937-D 3 Legged Buffalo Nickel. ...
  • 07 of 10. 1916-D Mercury Dime. ...
  • 08 of 10. 1917 Standing Liberty Quarter: Type 1.
Mar 24, 2022

Where can I sell rare coins online? ›

5 Best Places To Sell Rare Coins and Paper Money
  • Heritage Auctions. Heritage Auctions is the largest collectibles auctioneer and the third-largest auction house in the world. ...
  • eBay. ...
  • Stack's Bowers Galleries. ...
  • APMEX. ...
  • Your Local Coin Dealer.
Mar 12, 2024

What to look for in rare coins? ›

Coins gain value when they meet the following criteria, according to the International Precious Metals website:
  • They are no longer being produced and therefore decreasing in circulation.
  • They are difficult to find.
  • They have unique marks due to errors or limited editions.
  • They have some kind of historical significance.
Mar 28, 2024

Is there a coin that is worth a lot of money? ›

The 1794 Flowing Hair Silver Dollar

picture alliance/Getty Images The 1794 Flowing Hair Silver Dollar may sit atop the rankings of the most expensive coin ever sold, at least for now. Some experts believe that it was the first silver dollar struck by the U.S. Mint.

Are buffalo nickels worth anything? ›

Many buffalo nickels can be traded for about 50 cents but under the right conditions it could be worth over $1,000, according to coin collector David Sorrick at In God We Trust LLC. “The series itself is fairly affordable for the average collector. Yet enough work goes into it to make it worth the chase,” Sorrick said.

Are wheat pennies worth anything? ›

The wheat penny value can vary greatly. Factors like the coin's condition, the year it was minted, and its rarity all play a part. Most wheat pennies are worth between four cents to $4 on average. However, some rare and highly sought-after ones can fetch thousands of dollars at auction.

What year penny is worth $20000? ›

That's what happened to several pennies produced in 1982, which pushed their value up from 1 cent to nearly $20,000. The penny in question is the 1982-D Small Date Copper Alloy Lincoln Cent, which sold at auction in 2016 for $18,800, according to Numismatic News.

Is there an app to scan coins for value? ›

CoinID is a great app for people who collect coins. You can take a picture of a coin and the app will quickly tell you what it is.

How can I find the value of coins for free? ›

CoinFacts (PCGS mobile app)

PCGS claims they're the industry standard for grading and valuing coins, and most users agree. One of their most popular is “CoinFacts.” The app is 100% free and provides accurate, up-to-date information on the pricing and value of different coins.

Do old coins sell well on eBay? ›

Coins are one of the most potentially profitable items to sell on eBay, mainly if you can target the right buyers for your listings. Several avid collectors are willing to pay a lot for higher value coins or rare ones.

What year is the quarter that's worth $2000? ›

Now, if you happen to see a 2004 Wisconsin quarter with a low extra leaf below the corn, it's also good to hold.

What to look for in coins to see if they are worth money? ›

Coins gain value when they meet the following criteria, according to the International Precious Metals website:
  • They are no longer being produced and therefore decreasing in circulation.
  • They are difficult to find.
  • They have unique marks due to errors or limited editions.
  • They have some kind of historical significance.
Mar 28, 2024

What coins to collect in 2024? ›

Here's a look at the six coins that will be prized in 2024 and could make their owners some money:
  • Earliest $5 (Half Eagle) Gold Pieces: about uncirculated and Mint State conditions.
  • Type II and III Liberty Head Double Eagles: graded Mint State 60 Through 63.
  • Scarce-Date Silver Dollars.
Feb 24, 2024

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.