15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (2024)

Making money quickly is obviously pretty awesome. After all, who wouldn’t like the idea of getting extra cash in their bank account in a short amount of time?

But, if you need alotof money in a short amount of time, it can be tricky to figure out how to get there.

Maybe you need to replace your car, pay for school, or just need enough money to build up your emergency fund. Whatever the case, our guide on how to make $10,000 fast is absolutely for you.

In this post, I’m covering some of the best ways to make 10k fast. Some of the methods are online side hustles, while others are in-person, so you can also pick an idea that matches your interests and skills.

Let’s get to it.

Table of Contents

How To Make $10,000 Fast

One quick note on how to earn $10,000 fast before jumping into all the ideas.

Earning $10k in a short amount of time isn’t easy. So, it’s important to have some realistic expectations here.

Many side hustle ideas in this post can help you boost your monthly income to reach this financial goal. However, you still need to put in the hours and grind.

With that said, let’s jump into some realistic ways to make $10k quickly.

1. Sell Stuff You Don’t Need

One of the most straightforward ways to get 10k fast is to sell stuff that you don’t need anymore.

I’ve done this back in college when I needed fast cash, and I sold stuff like guitars, furniture, apparel, and an old TV to people in my city. And you can actually make a lot of money in a short amount of time.

Examples of things you can sell for quick cash include:

I also made a YouTube video that shares some of my favorite selling apps and websites that I’ve used in the past.

That said, you can try selling stuff online with websites like Mercari or eBay if you have a lot of items to list and want to find international buyers.

Alternatively, throwing your own garage sale or selling on Facebook’s Marketplace are viable options for in-person cash sales.

Granted, you need to sell alotof stuff to get $10k fast. However, if you have a rare collection or anything like precious metals or jewelry, you could potentially get $10k or more.

2. Start A Side Hustle

Starting different side hustles is a smart move if you’re trying to make extra money every month. And I firmly believe you can make 10k a month with the right side hustle stack.

I mean,if you want to make ten thousand dollars fast, you can basically use different gig economy apps and hustles to chip away at that goal.

Some popular side hustle ideas to try include:

These are all driving gigs that pay, but jobs like DoorDash are ideal if you value flexibility because you can basically work whenever you want.

And, what’s nice about making money with DoorDash or Instacart is that you can hustle after work when delivery times are busiest to maximize how much you’re making.

There are tons of other side hustle ideas out there you can try as well. For example, some people make money with side hustles like pet sitting or baby sitting.

The bottom line is that you can make $10k quickly by getting creative and putting in extra hours to chip away at this financial goal.

Start making money with Uber Eats!

3. Make Money Freelancing

In my experience, selling your skills online as a freelancer is one of the most realistic ways to make $10,000 dollars fast.

For example, after I quit my day job at a marketing agency back in 2019/2020, it took me about 6 months to replace that income. But by a year into my freelance writing career, I was making more than double what my old job paid me.

The fact is that freelancing contracts can beverylucrative, and I’ve made $10,000 in a month from freelancing in the past. It’s also given me the freedom to travel the world while making money on my laptop.

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (1)

Freelance writing is just the path I took. But there are plenty of other freelancing jobs out there in fields like:

  • Coding
  • Graphic design
  • Digital marketing
  • SEO
  • Social media marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Video editing
  • Virtual assistant work
  • Web development

Many freelance jobs can easily pay $50 to $100+ per hour if you have experience, or land pretty lucrative retainers.

Themaindownside to freelancing for making $10k fast is that it can take time to find your very first clients. But I think freelance income has the potential to snowball once you get the ball rolling.

So, if you need $10,000 in the next few weeks, I wouldn’t suggest this idea. But I think it’s a realistic mid-term solution that you can consider.

4. Affiliate Marketing

If you’re still wondering how to make 10k fast, you can always try affiliate marketing to make money.

Affiliate marketing involves making money by promoting products and services for other companies. In other words, you’re basically acting as a salesperson for other companies.

Traditionally, people make money with affiliate marketing by promoting products or services on their blogs or YouTube channels. However, these days, influencer marketing on social media is also blending with affiliate marketing.

Whatever the case, there’s alotof money to be made with affiliate marketing if you can grow your audience and funnel traffic properly.

For example, This Online World generates income from Mediavine display ads and from multiple affiliate networks.

And I know this is a legit strategy since This Online World has made around $10,000 in a month from affiliate income alone.

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (2)

In fact, my blog made $272,000 in 2022, which is over $20,000 a month. And much of this income came from various affiliate marketing channels.

Of course, this requires alotof traffic, and growing this type of following isn’t typically fast. But for making money on the Internet, I’d consider affiliate marketing a viable strategy to make $10k fast.

And, if you become an affiliate for products or services in high-ticket niches, you might only need a handful of sales per month to make this sort of money.

Overall, I don’t think affiliate marketing is incredibly easy or a path to quick money in the same day. But if you’re willing to learn and build an audience, it’s a very lucrative industry.

I also made a guide on my YouTube channel about how to make money with affiliate marketing if you’re curious.

This guide covers everything from niche selection to scaling traffic and revenue optimization, so I hope it’s a useful watch!

Extra Reading – The Best Free Online Jobs That Pay Daily.

5. Develop Passive Income Streams

Creating passive income streams is one of the best ways to build wealth because it accelerates how much money you can make. And I think it’s possible to earn $10,000 fast with this method if you start early and leverage the power of compound interest.

One simple way to begin creating passive income is to invest in dividend-paying stocks and ETFs.

You can invest through your bank, and commission-free online brokers likeM1 Financeare also a viable option. However, making $10,000 dollars fast with just stock investing requires a decent amount of capital and time.

So, some other passive income streams you can explore include:

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (3)

Renting things out for money is one of the faster ways to create a new income stream for yourself.

However, don’t discount the power of online businesses for making money on autopilot and really boosting your income. For example, This Online World now makes much more than $10,000 per month, and a lot of this income is semi-passive since I’ve outsourced a lot of writing these days.

Again, you need to have realistic expectations here since getting $10,000 fast with just passive income is very tricky.

But at the very least, leverage multiple income sources to help you reach your financial goals in a shorter amount of time.

Note: This is an endorsem*nt in partnership with Fundrise. We receive compensation when you sign up with the provided links. All opinions are my own.

6. Borrow The Money

Another way to get $10,000 fast is to try and borrow the money.

Borrowing $10,000 from friends and family might be possible depending on your relationships. However, this is quite a large sum to ask for. Alternatively, you can research credit card and loan options from your bank if you don’t want to turn to your own network.

Finally, companies likeZippyLoanlet you borrow money in sums ranging from $100 to $15,000. Various cash advance apps can also let you get quick cash if you’re in a pinch.

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (4)ZippyLoan pays you as fast as one business day, so it’s also a way to get $10k quickly.

However, you should always research terms and rates if you ever borrow money. You should also avoid this option and turn to other money-making ideas if you’re trying to avoid debt.

When in doubt, consult a financial professional for advice on this sort of thing!

7. License Videos

While this is a more creative way to make money, you can always try licensing videos to earn $10,000 fast.

Of course, you need to have a knack for photography or filmography and to also know what sort of content to produce to find success here. But, if you film something viral or trending, you might be sitting on a serious amount of money.

For example, companies like Newsflare let you upload and license videos to content creators, companies, and media outlets.

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (5)

If someone licenses a video from you, you get a percentage of royalties. According to its website, Newsflare has paid over $11 million to creators so far.

Some major companies like Nike and NBC News use Newsflare, and it’s a pretty interesting way to make extra money if you’re into photography and filming.

8. Offer Consulting Services

Making money with consulting is another way to make 10k fast as long as you have the right skills and connections.

This is actually one way I made over $10,000 during college and while having a full-time job. In a nutshell, I offered SEO and Facebook ads consulting, and a few clients even paid me to manage some ads for them on a monthly retainer.

I found almost all these gigs through my own network, but you can also find jobs on Upwork, Fiverr, or various remote job websites.

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (6)

As you can see from my Upwork screenshot, I’ve earned over $10,000 on the platform, most of which came from a monthly gig where a client paid me $3,000 a month for some consulting and recruiting work.

So many industries hire consultants as well, ranging from HR to IT security. If you’re an expert in your field, you might as well consider consulting and look into opportunities within your network to see where it takes you.

9. Start An Ecommerce Store

Another way to potentially make 10k quickly is to try and take advantage of a current trend and to sell related merchandise through your own online store.

People make money with memes and aspects of pop culture with this strategy all the time. For example, anytime there’s a Presidential election, you’re bound to find people selling merchandise on websites like Redbubble and Society6.

Some ecommerce operators also sell trendy items on Etsy, or sell their own meme merchandise that’s based off of current, popular memes.

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I actually tried this tactic back in college and sold print on demand products on Etsy. Even though the strategy didn’t work too well, there are stories of people striking it big overnight with a clever ecommerce product.

You can also try methods like dropshipping, Amazon FBA, retail arbitrage, or just running a Shopify ecommere store.

There aresomany ways to make $10,000 fast when selling online. And a single viral product or idea can take your store to the next level.

Extra Reading – How To Make Money Selling Stickers On Etsy.

10. Flip Stuff For Profit

Flipping stuff for money is a classic side hustle, and it’s basically been around since commerce has existed. And it can make $10,000 dollars fast if you find the right products to flip.

The idea here is to buy popular products on discount and to then resell them online or in person for a profit. This is retail arbitrage at its core, and there are lots of ways to get started.

Typically, people purchase products from stores like Kohl’s and Walmart because these big box retailers have clearance sections. Examples of popular things to flip include:

  • Books
  • Clothing
  • Cosmetics
  • Electronics
  • Home goods
  • Toys
  • Video games

From there, many sellers resell inventory on platforms like Amazon FBA or various online selling apps.

I actually interviewed a couple who run an Amazon FBA retail arbitrage business, and they’ve scaled to over $40,000 a month in revenue, so the income potential is quite high with this business model.

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Now, this isn’t the easiest way to make $10,000 dollars fast because you need experience. And, it also takes time to buy inventory and scale inventory.

However, retail arbitrage has a high earning ceiling, and it’s possible to scale quickly if you can find winning products and source them quickly.

Extra Reading – The Best Ways To Flip $500.

11. Complete Odd Jobs For Cash

If you’re still asking how to make 10,000 dollars fast, the answer could be to complete a bunch of odd jobs for people in your city.

Odd job apps are your best friend here, and they basically help you find same-day, high-paying gigs in your area.

For example, the Steady app is a free side hustling app that connects you with different gig economy jobs and companies that need quick laborers.

You can also use apps and websites like TaskRabbit and offer various handyman services to people in your area. Handy is a similar company that has cleaning and handyman gigs.

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (9)

Finally, companies like Wonolo connect you with companies in your area that are short on staff and need same-day workers.

You can also get creative and list your own services on local classifieds. Some side gigs that can make $10,000 with enough work include:

  • Babysitting
  • Cleaning services
  • Dog walking and sitting (you can also use Rover to find clients)
  • Junk removal
  • Moving help
  • Painting

Many of the gigs you find with odd job apps pay $15 to $25 per hour, so making $10k fast is going to take a lot of grinding.

But, if you need to increase your income to work towards this goal, you can use these platforms to hustle on the side.

12. Enter Competitions

One of my favorite ways for making $10,000 fast is to enter different competitions. And, you’d be amazed at how much money is up for grabs that people never claim!

For example, one of my most successful college side hustles was entering a Canadian marketing competition for college students.

The competition had a $1,000 prize for making it to the round of 25. When I heard the competition only had about 100 entrants the previous year, I applied immediately.

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I was a solo participant, but again, I was competing against so few people that making it to the top 25 only meant beating another 50 to 75 people or so.

Anyways, this was the easiest $1,000 I ever made, but it’s just one example.

There aresomany competitions, grants, and scholarships out there. The sad part is, many go unclaimed or barely get any applicants!

So, if you’re a student, I definitely suggest looking for some student freebies since you might be surprised at how much you can earn in a short amount of time.

Extra Reading – How To Make $1,000 A Day.

13. Sell Online Courses

Like blogging and YouTube, another idea that can make this type of income is to sell online courses.

If you have an existing audience, you can create an eBook, online course, or one-on-one training programs and sell them for a high-price if you’re providing value to people.

This is actually something I’ve been testing, and I’m now selling an eBook, Freelance Writing For Freedom, to readers of This Online World.

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Some of my friends also sell online courses about starting side hustles, blogs, or various online businesses.

Building an audience to sell to is by far the hardest part. But even a small audience can make $10,000 fast if you’re selling high-ticket courses for $500 to $1,000 each.

14. Use Sign-Up Bonuses

While it might surprise you, one tactic you can use to earn quick money is to leverage different sign up bonus apps and offers.

These days, plenty of apps and companies are willing to pay you to join them. So, if you’re on the market for a new bank, credit card, or money-making app, you might be able to snag some free money.

Some of my favorite sign-up bonus opportunities include:

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (12)

Granted, these offers won’t get $10,000 by themselves. But you can stack them with some of the other ideas in this post to reach your goal much faster.

My post on the best sign up bonuses with instant withdrawals has even more ideas you can use to get free cash.

15. Ask For A Raise

One final way you can get $10,000 fast is to ask for a raise. And this is an especially good idea if you’re been working at the same company for a while.

According to Indeed, you should wait at least six months to ask for a raise. Additionally, asking for a raise every year or so is somewhat the rule of thumb.

Indeed also provides some tips for asking for a raise:

  • Knowing the number you’re asking for
  • Outlining your reasoning and the value you provide to your company
  • Using a positive tone
  • Waiting for the right time

Now, whether or not you can ask for an extra $10,000 per year depends on your current salary, performance, and the company.

However, this is technically one of the best ways to make $10,000 fast because a single conversation with your employer might get you this annual raise.

Extra Reading – How To Make 500 Dollars A Day.

Tips For Making $10,000 Dollars Fast

Now that you know how to make $10k fast, here are some tips to remember while hustling to help increase the odds of success.

  1. Set A Measurable Goal: Set a trackable goal so you can stay accountable and motivated. Even if it’s an extra $50 a day as you work towards your goal, you need to track your progress.
  2. Reduce Your Spending: Sometimes, saving money is just as powerful as making more money. So, take another look at your monthly budget and find areas where you can cut down on spending.
  3. Don’t Burn Out: Earning $10k quickly isn’t easy, so make sure you’re still getting enough sleep and aren’t at risk of burning out.

I also made a video that covers how I created multiple income streams and scaled to past $10k a month if you want some tips to get started.

Extra Reading – How To Turn 10K Into 20K Fast.

Final Thoughts

I hope our guide on how to get $10,000 fast lets you reach this new financial goal in as short a time as possible.

Just remember: playing to your strengths is the best bet here since it makes side hustling more enjoyable and also lets you stay consistent.

So, it doesn’t matter if you’re using side hustle apps likeUber Eats, doing affiliate marketing, or selling stuff online; just stick with the process and keep working towards your goal!

Best of luck!

Want to try other money-making ideas? Checkout:

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (13)

Tom is a full-time blogger and freelance writer with a passion for side hustling, passive income, and the gig economy. His work has appeared on dozens of personal finance websites like Money Crashers, The College Investor, Investor Junkie, and more. This Online World is all about providing people with honest ways to make and save more money by using technology. To learn more about Tom, read his About Page!

If you’re interested in freelance writing services or want to partner with This Online World, please use our contact page to get in touch!

Alright, let's dive into this guide on making $10,000 fast. The author covers a variety of methods, and I'll provide insights into each concept mentioned.

  1. Sell Stuff You Don’t Need:

    • The author suggests selling items like antiques, cars, clothing, collectibles, electronics, furniture, jewelry, and more. They emphasize the potential to make a significant amount quickly, especially with valuable items.
  2. Start A Side Hustle:

    • Various gig economy apps are recommended, such as DoorDash, Instacart, Uber Eats, Amazon Flex, Cornershop, Shipt, and Walmart Spark. The focus is on the flexibility of these side hustles and the ability to maximize earnings during peak hours.
  3. Make Money Freelancing:

    • The author shares personal experience with freelancing, emphasizing the lucrative nature of freelancing contracts. They mention fields like coding, graphic design, digital marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and more as potential freelancing opportunities.
  4. Affiliate Marketing:

    • The guide discusses affiliate marketing as a way to promote products and services for other companies. The author shares their success with affiliate marketing and highlights the income potential, especially with a substantial online following.
  5. Develop Passive Income Streams:

    • Passive income is presented as an effective way to build wealth. The author suggests investing in dividend-paying stocks, renting out spare rooms, investing in real estate through platforms like Fundrise, and creating online businesses for semi-passive income.
  6. Borrow The Money:

    • Borrowing money from friends, family, or exploring credit card and loan options is discussed. The author also mentions platforms like ZippyLoan for quick cash. Caution is advised, and users are encouraged to research terms and rates.
  7. License Videos:

    • A creative approach is introduced, where individuals can license their videos through platforms like Newsflare. The potential to earn royalties from viral or trending content is highlighted.
  8. Offer Consulting Services:

    • Making money through consulting services, especially in areas like SEO and Facebook ads, is presented. The author shares personal success in earning over $10,000 through consulting and recommends platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.
  9. Start An Ecommerce Store:

    • Taking advantage of current trends and selling merchandise online is suggested. The guide mentions platforms like Redbubble, Society6, Etsy, and strategies like dropshipping, Amazon FBA, retail arbitrage, or running a Shopify store.
  10. Flip Stuff For Profit:

    • Retail arbitrage is explained as a classic side hustle where individuals buy discounted products and resell them for a profit. The author shares success stories of individuals earning significant monthly revenue through platforms like Amazon FBA.
  11. Complete Odd Jobs For Cash:

    • Odd job apps like Steady, TaskRabbit, Handy, and Wonolo are recommended for finding high-paying gigs in various categories. The focus is on same-day, flexible, and high-earning opportunities.
  12. Enter Competitions:

    • Participating in competitions, grants, and scholarships is suggested as a potentially lucrative way to make money. The author shares a personal experience of winning a marketing competition in college.
  13. Sell Online Courses:

    • Creating and selling online courses, eBooks, or training programs is presented as a way to generate income, especially if you have an existing audience. The guide emphasizes the potential for high-ticket courses.
  14. Use Sign-Up Bonuses:

    • Leveraging sign-up bonuses from banks, credit cards, survey sites, and other platforms is recommended. The author advises stacking these bonuses with other money-making ideas for faster progress toward the $10,000 goal.
  15. Ask For A Raise:

    • The final suggestion is to ask for a raise at work, especially if you've been with the company for a while. The author provides tips on when and how to ask for a raise, emphasizing the potential for a significant annual increase.

Tips For Making $10,000 Dollars Fast:

  • Set a measurable goal, reduce spending, avoid burnout, and track progress are the key tips provided by the author to increase the chances of success.

In summary, the guide offers a comprehensive overview of various strategies to make $10,000 quickly, combining practical advice with personal experiences and success stories. Each method is presented with realistic expectations and potential pitfalls.

15 Realistic Ways To Make $10,000 Fast - This Online World (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.