14.2 Staffing Internationally – Human Resource Management (2024)

Learning Objectives

  1. Be able to explain the three staffing strategies for international businesses and the advantages and disadvantages for each.
  2. Explain the reasons for expatriate failures.

One of the major decisions for HRM when a company decides to operate overseas is how the overseas operation will be staffed. This is the focus of this section.

Types of Staffing Strategy

There are three main staffing strategies a company can implement when entering an overseas market, with each having its advantages and disadvantages. The first strategy is a home-country national strategy. This staffing strategy uses employees from the home country to live and work in the country. These individuals are called expatriates. The second staffing strategy is a host-country national strategy, which means to employ people who were born in the country in which the business is operating. Finally, a third-country national strategy means to employee people from an entirely different country from the home country and host country. Table 14.4 “Advantages and Disadvantages of the Three Staffing Strategies” lists advantages and disadvantages of each type of staffing strategy. Whichever strategy is chosen, communication with the home office and strategic alignment with overseas operations need to occur for a successful venture.

Table 14.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Three Staffing Strategies

Home-Country NationalHost-Country NationalThird-Country National
AdvantagesGreater control of organizationLanguage barrier is eliminatedThe third-country national may be better equipped to bring the international perspective to the business
Managers gain experience in local marketsPossible better understanding of local rules and lawsCosts associated with hiring such as visas may be less expensive than with home-country nationals
Possible greater understanding and implementation of business strategyHiring costs such as visas are eliminated
Cultural understanding
Morale builder for employees of host country
DisadvantagesAdapting to foreign environment may be difficult for manager and family, and result in less productivityHost-country manager may not understand business objectives as well without proper trainingMust consider traditional national hostilities
Expatriate may not have cultural sensitivityMay create a perception of “us” versus “them”The host government and/or local business may resent hiring a third-country national
Language barriersCan affect motivation of local workers
Cost of visa and hiring factors


According to Simcha Ronen, a researcher on international assignments, there are five categories that determine expatriate success. They include job factors, relational dimensions, motivational state, family situation, and language skills. The likelihood the assignment will be a success depends on the attributes listed in Table 14.5 “Categories of Expatriate Success Predictors with Examples”. As a result, the appropriate selection process and training can prevent some of these failings. Family stress, cultural inflexibility, emotional immaturity, too much responsibility, and longer work hours (which draw the expatriate away from family, who could also be experiencing culture shock) are some of the reasons cited for expatriate failure.

Table 14.5 Categories of Expatriate Success Predictors with Examples

Job FactorsRelational DimensionsMotivational StateFamily SituationLanguage Skills
Technical skillsTolerance for ambiguityBelief in the missionWillingness of spouse to live abroadHost-country language
Familiarity with host country and headquarters operationsBehavioral flexibilityCongruence with career pathAdaptive and supportive spouseNonverbal communication
Managerial skillsNonjudgmentalismInterest in overseas experienceStable marriage
Administrative competenceCultural empathy and low ethnocentrismInterest in specific host-country culture
Interpersonal skillsWillingness to acquire new patterns of behavior and attitudes

Source: Adapted from Simcha Ronen, Training the International Assignee (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989), 426–40.

Most expatriates go through four phases of adjustment when they move overseas for an assignment. They include elation/honeymoon, resistance, adaption, and biculturalism. In the elation phase, the employee is excited about the new surroundings and finds the culture exotic and stimulating. In the resistance phase, the employee may start to make frequent comparisons between home and host country and may seek out reminders of home. Frustration may occur because of everyday living, such as language and cultural differences. During the adaptation phase, the employee gains language skills and starts to adjust to life overseas. Sometimes during this phase, expatriates may even tend to reject their own culture. In this phase, the expatriate is embracing life overseas. In the last phase, biculturalism, the expatriate embraces the new culture and begins to appreciate his old life at home equally as much as his new life overseas. Many of the problems associated with expatriate failures, such as family life and cultural stress, have diminished.

Figure 14.2 Phases of Expatriate Adjustment

Expat Failures

(click to see video)

A short discussion on why international assignments fail.

Host-Country National

The advantage, as shown in Table 14.4 “Advantages and Disadvantages of the Three Staffing Strategies”, of hiring a host-country national can be an important consideration when designing the staffing strategy. First, it is less costly in both moving expenses and training to hire a local person. Some of the less obvious expenses, however, may be the fact that a host-country national may be more productive from the start, as he or she does not have many of the cultural challenges associated with an overseas assignment. The host-country national already knows the culture and laws, for example. In Russia, 42 percent of respondents in an expatriate survey said that companies operating there are starting to replace expatriates with local specialists. In fact, many of the respondents want the Russian government to limit the number of expatriates working for a company to 10 percent1. When globalization first occurred, it was more likely that expatriates would be sent to host countries, but in 2011, many global companies are comfortable that the skills, knowledge, and abilities of managers exist in the countries in which they operate, making the hiring of a host-country national a favorable choice. Also important are the connections the host-country nationals may have. For example, Shiv Argawal, CEO of ABC Consultants in India, says, “An Indian CEO helps influence policy and regulations in the host country, and this is the factor that would make a global company consider hiring local talent as opposed to foreign talent” (Rajagorpal, 2011).

Third-Country Nationals

One of the best examples of third-country nationals is the US military. The US military has more than seventy thousand third-country nationals working for the military in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan. For example, a recruitment firm hired by the US military called Meridian Services Agency recruits hairstylists, construction workers, and electricians from all over the world to fill positions on military bases (Stillman, 2011). Most companies who utilize third-country national labor are not new to multinational businesses. The majority of companies who use third-country national staffing have many operations already overseas. One example is a multinational company based in the United States that also has operations in Spain and transfers a Spanish manager to set up new operations in Argentina. This would be opposed to the company in the United States sending an American (expatriate) manager to Argentina. In this case, the third-country national approach might be the better approach because of the language aspect (both Spain and Argentina speak Spanish), which can create fewer costs in the long run. In fact, many American companies are seeing the value in hiring third-country nationals for overseas assignments. In an International Assignments Survey2, 61 percent of United States–based companies surveyed increased the use of third-country nationals by 61 percent, and of that number, 35 percent have increased the use of third-country nationals to 50 percent of their workforce. The main reason why companies use third-country nationals as a staffing strategy is the ability of a candidate to represent the company’s interests and transfer corporate technology and competencies. Sometimes the best person to do this isn’t based in the United States or in the host country.

Key Takeaways

  • There are three types of staffing strategies for an international business. First, in the home-country national strategy, people are employed from the home country to live and work in the country. These individuals are called expatriates. One advantage of this type of strategy is easier application of business objectives, although an expatriate may not be culturally versed or well accepted by the host-country employees.
  • In a host-country strategy, workers are employed within that country to manage the operations of the business. Visas and language barriers are advantages of this type of hiring strategy.
  • A third-country national staffing strategy means someone from a country, different from home or host country, will be employed to work overseas. There can be visa advantages to using this staffing strategy, although a disadvantage might be morale lost by host-country employees.


  1. Choose a country you would enjoy working in, and visit that country’s embassy page. Discuss the requirements to obtain a work visa in that country.
  2. How would you personally prepare an expatriate for an international assignment? Perform additional research if necessary and outline a plan.

1“Russia Starts to Abolish Expat jobs,” Expat Daily, April 27, 2011, accessed August 11, 2011, http://www.expat-daily.com/news/russia-starts-to-abolish-expat-jobs/.

2“More Third Country Nationals Being Used,” n.d., SHRM India, accessed August 11, 2011, http://www.shrmindia.org/more-third-country-nationals-being-used.


Rajagorpal, D., and MC Govardhanna Rangan, “Global Firms Prefer Local Executives to Expats to Run Indian Operation,” Economic Times, April 20, 2011, accessed September 15, 2011, http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-04-20/news/29450955_1_global-firms-joint-ventures-investment-banking.

Stillman, S., “The Invisible Army,” New Yorker, June 6, 2011, accessed August 11, 2011, http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/06/06/110606fa_fact_stillman.

14.2 Staffing Internationally – Human Resource Management (2024)


What is staffing in international human resource management? ›

This staffing strategy uses employees from the home country to live and work in the country. These individuals are called expatriates. The second staffing strategy is a host-country national strategy, which means to employ people who were born in the country in which the business is operating.

Which staffing policy is the best when it comes to global HRM? ›

Geocentric staffing policy it seems is the best when it comes to Global HRM. The human resources are deployed productively and it also helps build a strong cultural and informal management network.

What are the three types of staffing policies in international business? ›

Research has identified three types of staffing policies in international businesses: the ethnocentric approach, the polycentric approach, and the geocentric approach.

What staffing approaches could MNCs adopt within the international businesses? ›

In international business, companies adopt four approaches in staffing its offices and facilities. These are ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric approaches.

What are the 4 approaches to international staffing? ›

There are four approaches to international recruitment: ethnocentric, polycentric geocentric, regiocentric.

What makes international staffing so complicated? ›

The process of hiring internationally is very different from hiring domestically. There are more steps in the process and many more moving pieces that involve complex issues like visas, work permits, and licensing credentials.

What is international staffing policy? ›

The ethnocentric staffing policy refers to the strategy of a multinational company to employ managers for key positions from the parent headquarters instead of employing local staff ("Global Human Resource Management").

How do you recruit international employees? ›

How to Hire International Employees: 5 Steps
  1. Prepare for cultural and legal alignment.
  2. Set up a global recruiting strategy.
  3. Factor in additional time and resources for hiring.
  4. Designate a team to manage the international hiring process.
  5. Train your workforce to promote diversity and collaboration.

What are three 3 approaches to Ihrm? ›

International Recruitment Methods -Ethnocentric approach- Polycentric approach- Regiocentric approach- Geocentric approach. While recruiting people for international operations, the international HR managers must identify the global competitiveness of the potential applicants at the time of the recruiting process.

What are the various challenges of international human resource staffing? ›

What are the major challenges of International HRM in 2022?
  • Staff shortages. ...
  • Failed expatriate assignments. ...
  • Localisation vs. ...
  • Ethical challenges in multinational corporations. ...
  • The evolution of digital HRM.
Nov 11, 2022

What are the 7 staffing process? ›

The staffing function includes recruitment, selection, training, development, transfer, promotion and compensation of personnel.

What are the five staffing models? ›

5 innovative staffing models
  • ‍The in-house model.
  • ‍The top-of-license model.
  • ‍The cross-train model.
  • ‍The retention model.
  • ‍The flexible workforce model.
Jan 24, 2022

What are the 3 main ways for companies to participate in multinational enterprise? ›

Multinational corporations choose from among three basic international strategies: (1) multidomestic, (2) global, and (3) transnational. These strategies vary in their emphasis on achieving efficiency around the world and responding to local needs.

What are human resources staffing strategies? ›

Strategic staffing is a human resource strategy designed to ensure an organization has the workforce it needs to meet both current and future business objectives. Essentially, strategic staffing ensures you have the right number of permanent and temporary employees for your business to run efficiently.

What kind of approach to staffing policy fills all key management positions in an international business with parent country nationals? ›

A geocentric staffing policy is one in which all key management positions are filled by parent-company nationals.

What are the first 3 steps of staffing? ›

Steps involved in the staffing process are 1. Manpower Planning, 2. Recruitment, 3. Selection, 4.

Who are the three types of employees in an international organization? ›

Hence, an IHRM has to manage three tiers of employees - Parent Country Nationals or PCN, Host Country Nationals or HCN, and Third Country Nationals (TCN).

What are the 9 staffing process? ›

The steps involved in the process of staffing are:-

Manpower Planning 2. Job Analysis 3. Selection and Recruitment 4. Employment Tests and Interview 5.

Who is the number one staffing agency in the world? ›

Randstad nv

Is working in staffing stressful? ›

For those in the fast-paced, competitive staffing industry, stress is a major factor.

What are the selection criteria for international staffing? ›

The four most common criteria are (a) technical competencies; (b) human relational skills; (c) spouse and family adaptability; and (d) desirability to serve overseas.

Can U.S. companies hire international employees? ›

Can US companies hire foreign workers? Yes, US companies can hire foreign workers either as full-time employees or independent contractors, with the option of either working remotely in their home country or relocating to the US with the relevant labor certification and visa.

How can a U.S. company hire a foreign employee? ›

First, employers must seek certification through the U.S. Department of Labor. Below you will find a link to documents and forms. Once the application is certified/approved, the employer must petition the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services for a visa.

How are international employees paid? ›

There are two primary ways to legally pay foreign employees overseas. First, a company can set up and incorporate a legal entity. Second, a company can use a global Employer of Record (EoR). Both options allow companies to expand their workforce, but the former requires far more commitment and risk.

What is 3 C's in HRM? ›

Three Cs to Improve Employee Retention: Compensation, Career Path, and Culture.

What are the 4 major models of HRM? ›

The four HRM models are the Fombrun, Harvard, Guest and Warwick models. Often studied by HR students, these models provide a helpful framework for HR planning. Using them gives credibility and legitimacy to HR policies.

What are the types of staffing? ›

The five core staffing actives are recruitment, selection, employment, training, and retaining.
  • Recruitment.
  • Selection.
  • Employment.
  • Training.
  • Retaining.

Why is staffing considered an important function of human resource management? ›

Since the staffing helps to ensure maximum utilization of human resources exist the labour costs per unit or production will be reduced.

What is the main purpose of staffing management? ›

What is staffing management? Staffing management consists of the processes, tactics, and strategies that are needed to identify, recruit, and retain employees within an organization. This includes everything from sourcing candidates, recruiting talent, onboarding new hires, and retaining employees.

Why is staffing an essential part of HRM? ›

Staffing is an important function as it ensures efficient performance of all other management functions. All other management functions are performed by skilled and experienced human resources. Staffing involves recruitment and deployment of quality personnel in various positions across an organization.

What are the 5 functions of staffing? ›

Staffing is the managerial function of recruitment, selection, training, developing, promotion and compensation of personnel. Staffing may be defined as the process of hiring and developing the required personnel to fill in the various positions in the organization.

Which three functions are included in the staffing function of management? ›

Staffing includes recruitment, performance appraisal, promotions and transferring employees to the proper departments.

What is an HR managers first task when it comes to staffing? ›

Staffing a business or an individual department requires a number of key steps. Hiring managers must first determine how many new employees the budget can support, then find and interview qualified candidates, and finally, make selections and negotiate compensation.

What are the three important aspects of staffing? ›

There are three aspects of staffing: recruitment, selection and training. These are now discussed in detail. Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or a function.

What are the four functions of staffing? ›

8 Important Functions of Staffing
  • Manpower Planning. It may seem obvious, but the first step in staffing a business is figuring out what positions are required and the type of person best suited to each role. ...
  • Recruitment. ...
  • Selection. ...
  • Workforce Orientation. ...
  • Training and Development. ...
  • Performance Appraisal. ...
  • Compensation. ...
  • Promotion.
Sep 21, 2021

What is an example of staffing in Human Resource Management? ›

An example of staffing is what we at Morales Group do: temporary, temp-to-hire, direct hire, seasonal, bilingual, workforce development, and so forth. Example recruitment methods include attracting and screening potential candidates.

What is staffing policy in HRM? ›

Staffing is the process of hiring eligible candidates in the organization or company for specific positions. In management, the meaning of staffing is an operation of recruiting the employees by evaluating their skills, knowledge and then offering them specific job roles accordingly.

What is the relationship between staffing and human resources management? ›

Staffing is seen as a specific part of HR. Staffing agencies, then, are HR specialists who focus on recruiting, screening, interviewing, placement, and sometimes onboarding and training.

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