12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (2024)

12 Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget In 2021

12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (1)

Are you looking to scale back and seriously cut costs this year?

Here are 12 realistic expenses you need to cut out of your budget to save more money this year.

When’s the last time you sat down and really (and, I mean REALLY!) scrutinized your spending?

If you’ve been reading here awhile you may have caught a recent post about why your budget might be failing. In that post I encouraged everyone to sit down and analyze their spending with a fine tooth comb.

Why? Knowing where your money is going is a vital first step in creating a long-term budget solution that will work forand not against you.

So, today we’re going to discuss Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget to help you save more money.

In that post I went over 5 pretty common reasons why your budget is likely failing you. And, today I want to take it a step further and compile a solid list of Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget to save more money or pay off debt more quickly.

Before I get started though, I just want to head off on a small tangent and express how important it is that any cuts your make to your budget are realistic.

It would make absolutely no sense for me to encourage you to slash your grocery budget by 80% or to bike 75 km to work each way to save on fuel. So, I’m not suggesting anything radical here. Just keep in mind that any changes you do opt to make need to be realistic to your lifestyle over the long term.

Each of these Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget are pretty common sources of spending for the average person. And, that’s the key here: average person. With that in mind, you may do all of these or none at all.

So, if you’re spending in more than a few of these categories then by all means try cutting to save a couple of extra bucks each month.

If you’re not spending on any of these extras then my advice is to look over your last 3 months of spending.

If you can identify some extra expenses you are accruing each month then it’s always worth trying to eliminate in favor of saving more.

12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (2)

12 Realistic Expenses To Cut Out Of Your Budget In 2021

1. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Eliminate Bank Fees

One of the easiest Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget in 2021 are bank fees.

You should NEVER be paying to use your own money. Have a look at your most recent bank statement and tally up what you’ve spent to spend your money.

Beyond paying the basic monthly service fees (which can be waved in most cases by maintaining a minimum balance), anything related to automatic withdrawals, writing checks or excess transaction fees need to be avoided at all costs.

If you’re consistently being charged extra fees then it’s time to either reevaluate your banking needs or make changes immediately.

The goal is to stop spending money to use your money.

This is a perfect example of one of thoserealistic expenses you need to cut out of your budget to save more money.

Just to put this idea in perspective, it costs upwards of $3.00 per transaction to withdrawn money at an ATM in my area.

So, if I need $20.00 cash to buy milk and bread – that transaction will end up costing me $23.00. If I do this 10 times over the span of one month, I’ve now spent $30 of my money to pull out $200.

Crazy hunh? If we take it one step further that’s $360 per year to withdraw my own money from an ATM machine.

Total waste am I right?

2. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Late Fees

Whether the late fees are accrued from paying a a bill, credit car or other expense after it’s due or something as simple as not returning a library book on time – you are wasting valuable money.

Sure, sometimes life happens and you either don’t have the cash to pay on time or you completely forget.

Either way, try and find a system that allows you to pay all your bills on time and get that book back to the library when it’s due.

If keeping track of bills is an issue, using your phone to send you automatic notifications as a reminder is an easy solution.

Better even, pay EVERY bill the second you receive it.

At first this approach might be a strain on you financially (especially if you’re living paycheck to paycheck). But, once you get into the habit and out of that cycle it guarantees that bills get paid in timely fashion.

If funds are an issue and you’re looking to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle why not pick up a side hustle to get ahead for a couple of months?

Side hustles are an awesome way to pad your bank account and get you out of that paycheck to paycheck cycle quickly.

3. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Dry Cleaning

12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (3)

Outsourcing your laundry is a total waste of money. Sure, certain pieces of clothing need to be dry cleaned to maintain their quality.

But, paying extra attention to tags and making sure you’re buying clothing you can launder yourself is a great way to save a heap of cash.

Business professionals and folks who work in an office setting are especially susceptible to this.

Next time you go shopping make sure that the pieces you are adding to your wardrobe can be washed at home.

Dry cleaning costs a small fortune and can be totally avoided by paying special attention to what type of clothing you buy.

4. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: High Insurance Costs

Are you sure that you’re getting the absolute best deal on your auto, home and life insurance?

When’s the last time you picked up the phone and called various insurance providers to see who could negotiate the best deal for you.

Sure, it’s time consuming and generally a pain in the butt.

But, the amount of money you can save can be pretty impressive.

A small investment of your time can save you at least a couple of hundred bucks per year.

Pro tip: Many companies offer hefty rebates if you take out multiple insurance policies with their company. We’ve combined our home and auto insurance to save over $200 per year!

5. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Your Landline

If you’ve got a cell phone (which you probably do!) you should be asking yourself if you really need that landline.

Gone are the days that you need a landline for internet access so there really isn’t a very good reason to be paying for a home phone number anymore.

6. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Gym Memberships

12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (4)

Gym memberships can come with pretty impressive price tags. The number of people who have an active gym membership and don’t use them is astounding.

If you’re an avid gym rat and get your money’s worth then, great!

But, if you’re paying to use the gym twice per month then maybe it’s time to start re-evaluating whether the costs of that membership are truly worth your investment.

There are so many completely free and amazing ways to get in a good workout!

7. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Expensive Haircuts

We all need haircuts. Having said that, the cost of cuts, colors, high lights and other hair related expenses (for women especially) can get pretty expensive.

My mum is a hairdresser so I know just how pricey a good cut, color and set can be. Why not look around for a cheaper alternative?

I know, I know, you just adore your hairdresser. If that’s the case (and I totally get stylist loyalty) why not spread your haircuts out a little.

Rather than going every 3 months, stretch it to 4 which will drop your visits from 4 to 3 per year. Woah, that’s a lot of numbers – I hope you were able to follow all that!

8. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Bottled Water

Folks, American’s spend over 16 billion dollars on bottled water every year.

Don’t get sucked into this idea that bottled water is better for you.

According to this report some bottled water is actually sourced from tap water which is probably what you’re trying to avoid by buying bottled in the first place am I right?

So, rather than investing in bottled water why not buy a good quality steel travel bottleand get yourself a Brita Filter.

9. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Morning Coffees/Teas

If you’ve been reading here for some time you probably already know that I’m adamant about brewing my own coffee and tea to save money.

I did some frugal math in this post and shockingly you can save over 100k during your career if you make a point to bring your own coffee rather than stop at the local coffee shop every morning!

Related Reading: How brewing the best cup of coffee can save you thousands

12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (5)

Even more Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget…

10. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Lawn Care Services

If you’ve got a company coming out to fertilize and cut your lawn you might want to consider doing this yourself.

Buying a good lawn mower(<—this is what we use)is totally worth the investment when you calculate the amount of money you will save long-term.

Not only is cutting lawn care services great for your budget but it’s good for you too! Cutting the grass, weeding and spending time outdoors is healthy too!

11. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Cleaning Services

Got a cleaning company coming out to your place to clean your home?

With a little planning and scheduling I’m sure you can totally take care of doing this yourself and save yourself a heap of cash.

Cleaning your home when you don’t have the time might seem like an overwhelming task.

But, breaking up tasks and doing small things every day can really help eliminate the need for a cleaning service altogether. Trust me, your budget and wallet will thank you!

12. Realistic Expenses You Need to Cut Out Of Your Budget: Dining Out

Dining out whether it be fancy meals or convenience foods costs a ton of money.

If you’re eating out a lot and still spending a small fortune on grocery you might want to reconsider how many times you order take out.

If you haven’t already read my post about brown bagging lunch you absolutely should.

Making one simple change (i.e taking a packed lunch to work or school every day) can literally save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Actually, cutting this expense from your budget can accumulate to a HUGE amount of money over the long term.

In that post about brown bagging lunch I discovered that by brown bagging lunch alone you can save the equivalent of a down payment on a home!

Related Reading: 5 easy ways to save thousands by brown bagging lunch

12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (6)

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12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (7)

12 Realistic Expenses You Need To Cut Out Of Your Budget This Year - This Tiny Blue House (2024)


What are the 3 biggest monthly expenses? ›

The three biggest budget items for the average U.S. household are food, transportation, and housing. Focusing your efforts to reduce spending in these three major budget categories can make the biggest dent in your budget, grow your gap, and free up additional money for you to us to tackle debt or start investing.

What are the 4 types of expenses in a budget? ›

Broadly speaking, you can split monthly expenses into four different categories: fixed, variable, intermittent and discretionary. Fixed expenses: These remain the same each month. Mortgage payments and auto insurance premiums are examples of fixed expenses.

What types of expenses are often easier to cut? ›

Variable Expenses

These are expenses that fluctuate, like groceries, clothing, gas and utility bills. There are plenty of ways to make them shrink. Use coupons, buy stuff on sale, eat out less, buy food in bulk, shop around for better deals on phone and streaming services.

What should be the largest expense in your budget? ›

What monthly expenses should I include in a budget?
  1. Housing. Whether you own your own home or pay rent, the cost of housing is likely your biggest monthly expense. ...
  2. Utilities. ...
  3. Vehicles and transportation costs. ...
  4. Gas. ...
  5. Groceries, toiletries and other essential items. ...
  6. Internet, cable and streaming services. ...
  7. Cellphone. ...
  8. Debt payments.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The rule is to split your after-tax income into three categories of spending: 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. 1. This intuitive and straightforward rule can help you draw up a reasonable budget that you can stick to over time in order to meet your financial goals.

What is the biggest lifetime expense? ›

Average Housing Spending

Housing is by far the biggest expense for the average American, accounting for 44% of the total lifetime spend.

What are the 7 types of budgeting? ›

The 7 different types of budgeting used by companies are strategic plan budget, cash budget, master budget, labor budget, capital budget, financial budget, operating budget.

What are 5 examples of variable expenses? ›

Examples of variable expenses
  • Groceries and dining out.
  • Clothing.
  • Personal care.
  • Entertainment.
  • Gasoline.
  • Home and car repairs.
  • Medical bills.
Jul 1, 2024

What are home expenses? ›

Housing expenses consist of shelter (mortgage payments, property taxes, or rent; maintenance and repairs; and insurance), utilities (gas, electricity, fuel, cell/telephone, and water), and house furnishings and equipment (furniture, floor coverings, major appliances, and small appliances).

What are monthly bills called? ›

Fixed expenses generally cost the same amount each month (such as rent, mortgage payments, or car payments), while variable expenses change from month to month (dining out, medical expenses, groceries, or anything you buy from a store).

How to plan a monthly budget? ›

Steps required to plan a monthly budget

Identify financial goals – savings, debt repayment, etc. Allocate funds to each category based on your priority. Track your spending consistently and allocate some funds for emergencies. Regularly review and adjust the budget to stay aligned with goals.

What is the lifestyle inflation? ›

Lifestyle inflation, also known as lifestyle creep, occurs when your spending increases as your income rises. While it's natural to want to improve your standard of living when you have more money, unchecked lifestyle inflation can prevent you from reaching your financial goals that are important to you.

What are the top 3 expenses? ›

The three biggest living expenses, or as I call them “the big 3” are;
  • Housing.
  • Transportation.
  • Food.
Aug 16, 2020

What is the #1 rule of budgeting? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What are the 6 largest budget spending items? ›

Spending Categories
  • 22 % Social Security.
  • 14 % Net Interest.
  • 13 % Health.
  • 13 % National Defense.
  • 13 % Medicare.
  • 10 % Income Security.
  • 5 % Veterans Benefits and Services.
  • 5 % Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services.

What are the top 3 major expenditures? ›

Major expenditure categories are healthcare, Social Security, and defense; income and payroll taxes are the primary revenue sources.

What is the largest 3 expenses for businesses on average? ›

  • Payroll. For many businesses, payroll is the biggest expense by far. ...
  • Rent. Obviously, for physical shops (especially on High Streets), rent can be a huge expense. ...
  • Utilities. ...
  • Software subscriptions. ...
  • Advertising and marketing. ...
  • Travel and entertainment. ...
  • Servers and website maintenance. ...
  • Tax.
Jul 21, 2023

What are 3 types of expenses? ›

3 Main Types/Categories of Expenses
  • Fixed expenses. Fixed expenses are the easiest to budget for. Because they are fixed, they are easy to predict. ...
  • Periodic expenses. Periodic expenses are similar to fixed expenses. ...
  • Variable expenses. As the name suggests, variable expenses can fluctuate a lot.
Nov 8, 2023

What is usually the highest expense in a month? ›

Housing expenses frequently take up the largest chunk of monthly expenses and include monthly mortgage or rent payments, depending on whether you own or rent your home. It also includes any other extra costs for maintaining and using the home. Homeowners, for example, pay property taxes in states that levy them.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.